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The drawing itself isn't the most creative thing I've ever done, that's for sure. If you're interested, there's a High Resolution file somewhere in the high res drop box. But I thought it'd be nice to go over some of the very basics of this pretty quick method for developing a quick drawing. Total time was like an hour or so, not a big investment of time to get a pretty decent looking color piece.

The original sketch layer is fast, and it should be fast. You wanna get an energetic pace to drawing at this stage, so that you can make major changes without being too married to anything. Not only that but drawing quickly here helps give the piece more energy overall by the end. So long as you don't over think it. Total time here is like 10 minutes or less.

The next layer is completely redrawn over the original sketch layer. Sometimes I'd clean directly on the sketchy layer but on something like this it was easier to just draw on a new layer ontop. I use the same sketch brush instead of my inking brush in this instance, simply cause it's a lot looser and faster and a lot easier to fix mistakes on. It still gets a neat enough result, as long as you're willing to work. This can be one of the more labor intensive parts of this kinda drawing. You can always keep cleaning, but it's actually a good idea to stop a little early so you don't completely kill the energy of the early sketch. I spent like 30 minutes on this part.

I changed her face. It was kinda a mistake but basically I didn't like how her face came out in the cleaned sketch. I killed a lot of the energy that was there in the original. It was probably because I tried making her far eye more visible which doesn't make sense at this angle. And a lot of it just got more fiddly. Instead of returning to her original face like I should've done and trying to recapture the original sketch's liveliness I just painted a new one on. It's not bad but it's not really like at one with the rest of the exaggerated drawing.

The next stage is easy, there's already some amount of tones and definition which went into her musculature and her clothes so that everything isn't painted all the same shades of grey in the next bit. The next bit being mostly just an even shade of grey applied over the whole drawing. I brighten up a few spots but overall you want to basically take the image down so there's no more white on the page.

That makes the "Overlay" layer color apply so much better to the drawing. You can see what the Overlay Layer looks like, and it's pretty simple. I don't get into the modelling so much, just applying some tones of color and skin to where it's needed. I can work with the simplest of palette's since most of the modelling is already done. I add a few different colors here and there to the deeper shadows or the bright highlights to make things more vibrant. But for the most part, this stage is a lot easier than you'd expect.

There's another layer with final touches, to add colors that you can't get with Overlay on top of some dark shadow spots.



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