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I hate to admit, I recall how I was feeling around the time of drawing the prep line art for this page. Following up the really fantastic look of the previous page was difficult, and when this wasn't coming out as good as I would've liked it was compounding feelings of pressure just leading into the holidays. And that was just before I was getting sick and had a lot of family things to do...

So the result now is that it still doesn't quite look where I'd like it. But I had to start producing line art already, it's still a "late" page. Developing it to where I'd like it to be, isn't always an option.

Anyway, trying to get things back in gear. The PC is cleaned up a bit, files are backed up. There's a mysterious registry error that's plaguing my system in seemingly harmless ways, for now. I'm gonna get my patreon things organized. Speaking of, there should be a new high res link coming up in just onnneee secooondd...




I still love that Grinch Smile at the end