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I've had a pretty bad weekend, truth be told. Lots of moods going up and down but the worst part was an overwhelming sense of tiredness. I hadn't been able to keep awake for any really appreciable length of time. And when I did get to sit down and drawing, it felt like I was drawing half blind. Falling asleep at the computer isn't great, especially if you're trying to get anything done like comic pages.




Me too on the mood front. Unwanted advice: Super sleepyness could be Seasonal Affective Disorder. Try working at a well lit desk. As good as anything to try.

Matej 'Retro' Jan

The drawing is pretty though! <3 warm wishes for you.


Sorry you had a rough weekend. Hope your holidays are bright and fun though!


Sending good vibes!!


I hope the best of health for you :)


Even when you're down, though, the work is still really good! Maybe we can work out some sort of exchange between my truly awful insomnia and your truly awful exhaustion. :|


I'm sorry to hear it's been a rough week after a few rough months. Oddly, this time of year is one of the toughest of all, and and I hope that you can work together enough time off to really be able to relax, away from any kind of screen anywhere, just to decompress (even if it means a break from us in-stream). Your health is always most important, so here's hoping that 2016 can start off going in a much better direction than this year's been trundling...


'Tis the season of not getting enough rest... Still, take whatever energy I got to spare ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


I'm also sorry to hear this. I hope things will get better and that you'll be able to enjoy the holidays at least a little bit.


Hope the rest of your week is better Psu