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One person brought up that they can't look at some of the e-mails at work. I think it'd be easy to mark anything that's flagrantly NSFW by adding (NSFW) in the subject line or post title as it looks here. But what about things that are vaguely pinuppy? Does (pinup) work in that regard?

Regardless, here are two sketches from last evening's warmup page. And they are completely unrelated.




Pinup or Cheesecake or what-not would probably work fine?

Space Robot

Yeah, makes sense there.


Yeah, that's a good call. Granted, it's slightly less of an issue now with the Patreon app making it easier to look at things a more privately, but it's appreciated. (And for the record, I really do like pinups, for the record, I don't wanna sound too down on the notion!)