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One of the problems I have, that might seem bizarrely minor to other people looking in, is that I'm often at a loss for what to post. I'm wracked with a lot of indecision about what I end up putting on here. But if I can't find a good picture to post, then at least I could tell you more about the thought process.

1: Is it worth posting? More often than not, I don't believe it would be. Each post is going to an automated mass e-mail to over a hundred people. Think about your public speaking classes in high school and multiply it a few times. I know an e-mail is different, but I can feel pretty uncomfortable bugging people.

2: Is it too sexy? I'm in a weird position where I don't think I want to be primarily a pinup artist. And I can't deny it's one of the things I do well and I like doing! But there're probably a number of you out there who don't care for them! And I don't really wanna scare you away, but how do I please the folks who like this stuff too!

3: Is it too similar? The problem with posting things like warmup sketches and stuff, is that there's often not a lot of thought into making them original. So I often end up doing a number of familiar standbys. Like 3/4s views portraits of a similar pretty girl's face. It's fine, I don't mind drawing it often. But it can get boring to see. And believe me, I'm the first person who'd be bored posting the same thing over and over again. 




1) Get around this by just making one update a week/fortnight/month containing everything you think worth posting. Maybe two: One of pinups, one of everything else? 2) You're primarily a comicbook artist. You just do pinups because you like them and we like them. 3) Post what you like Also lets me vote again for moar DC pinups!


Honestly, I support your Patreon not because I want a bunch of pinups (not saying that I don't) but because I like your art style and anything you create. If you like what you made, and you have even a modicum of pride/happiness about it, post it! We're here to support your creativity and be a part of the process. Personally, I say don't cherry-pick your art, just post on a gut feeling!

Matej 'Retro' Jan

I love the way you post. I highly consider your style to be the one that has found the sweet spot. Take it as a personal, subjective thing, but it comes from following 50 kickstarters and 25 patreons. I have my own kickstarter backers where I often think, I wish I could post as psuede. You post often so it feels like you have an ongoing relationship with your patrons. It's not a monthly I-have-to-post-something thing, but you-re-part-of-the-process thing. And what you write always makes me read the email right there and then, even as I skip others and mark other longer ones to read later. It has always felt genuine. At least that's how 1 of your patrons feels, if it helps. And everything Nathan said. I often myself feel conflicted how to please everyone, but at least for me I realize that the choices you make that don't please everyone are exactly what makes you unique and the other bonds grow stronger. The least I think about it, the happier I am with myself and I haven't seen anyone complain either (to the opposite). You are you. Post you.


This is super, super pretty. I'm entirely fine with concept posts, non-pin-ups, funny little inanimate things, or whatever really sounds like fun. There's nothing wrong with variety, and I'd like to think we can open the e-mail and decide there if we want to click through or not!


I wouldn't worry about the e-mail count. In my experience on Patreon with different artists, too much is always better than not enough. I wouldn't worry about the pinups too much, though I admit I'm more prudish than most (for lack of a better word), I wouldn't want to deny it for folks that do appreciate it and look forward to it. The only real issue is that some of them make it hard to open patreon e-mails at work, but I can wait until I get home. :P
