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Sorry for fallin off the update wagon. It's been an odd week schedule wise. I found myself staying up till noon and waking up at around 7pm. Not exactly healthy! I started really missing the sun. I normally stay up in the evenings but extending it to that degree was starting to wear on me. And I left a lot of things I scheduled to get done fall by the way.

Unrelated, I've been getting into drawing "fight scenes." Not entire scenes mind you but I felt like I was missing out drawing characters interacting. Normally I could do kissing or generally more lewd behavior but I thought about getting more practice drawing the other extreme.

At this stage in the drawing, it's all about force and motion. I'm not quite sure if I can translate these sketches into good and finished drawings while keeping the same kinetic energy they have now. But at the very least there's a lot of energy to work with.

Simplifying the figures to just two colors really lets a viewer see what's going on really quickly. And it's probably good for story boarding.




Very impressive layouts. You really do communicate a sense of kinetic action!