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One thing I like doing in just about any program is making new brush settings. I'll make a bunch, and then return to one or three favorites of a new set time and time again. This recent one is a pretty fun brush to handle. It's an odd two in one brush. The brush gets smaller in size and more dense in opacity with high pressure and gets larger and feathery with gentle pressure. It's not quite emulating a real brush, any fan brush you can only really control the size by tilt or angle but this one if I want to set down a relatively hard line I just press down. But it allows me to get right back to blending without much fuss. The only issue is getting used to the size changes or figuring out how to properly set up the soft blending. Right now, I really like it as it's got some "tooth" and natural texture that I'd been missing from most of my manga studio drawing. And this'll be one more step in eliminating the need to keep Photoshop around much longer.



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