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High Res Sketch in the May 2017 Dropbox.

This was just a rough thing. I was thinking about my character from the old comic project, Salamander, which didn't really get to go anywhere. This isn't anyone in particular nor is the design going to be used anywhere else. At least for now.

I like to think about light a lot when painting. And this one isn't the most believable example of light but it does use a skill I developed a long while ago. In school I was pretty good at mixing "grey" acrylic paint. And It's something I would like to get better at with digital paint.

If you make your greys out of lots of colors mixed together, and if you know how to hold back, you can make some very lively vibrant colors with just grey.

Also, I'm writing this note some... 4 days in advance. Future me, you better be keeping up with your exercise bike routine.



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