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The character in this script was just too good not to want to perform it! Thanks to u/BadDevil_ for such a great story!

The sweet girl who recently gave you her number turns out to be a little bit unpredictable. While going through the heap of voice messages she left you, you suddenly hear knocking. You open the door… it’s her! Somehow, she found out where you live, and it seems she’s hellbent on becoming your girlfriend! Maybe it’s best you tell her that isn’t going to happen, no matter how much she begs you to let her suck your dick…




I will never cease to be amazed how much you turn me on with your blowjob performances! On top of that, once again you morph into your character so well. Lastly, you somehow take a seemingly unsexy scenario and somehow get me to cum! Outstanding, Goddess Lacey!


Thank you gathra! I figured all men love a crazy cock and cum obsessed woman, so I'm glad you enjoyed her... I mean me!! LMAO!!

Lewis Martin

I don't know if I should laugh or touch myself while listening to this. You're constantly topping yourself.


I thought we weren't supposed to stick our dicks in crazy?!?