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AUGUST THEME DAYS - August 4th is: Single Working Women's Day

As mentioned in my cumming up audio. I'll be taking inspiration for audios this month from a few of the wackier August theme days. 

Your office needs to diversify by hiring more single women, so let me be the first to interview and show you what you've been missing out on!




When you do that breathy low volume voice, that arouses me instantly! I so wish I could do that heavenly erotic voice of yours justice with an accurate description, but that is beyond my abilities. I tried being a poet when I was younger, I wish I had stuck with it. If I had then I might be able to get closer to paying adequate homage to your astonishing voice! It is one of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard, Goddess Lacey!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩


I think you've got some poet still in you gathra. At the very least you do have a way with compliments!! Thank you!! 😊

Lewis Martin

You're hired! Thing is that Id keep you to myself.