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As mentioned in my monthly update I wanted your feedback on a few things regarding ongoing series or potential new series...

1. Which series should I get back to recording next? 

2. Do you want more of one particular series or more of several series at once?
In other words...

Would you rather have a few episodes of the SAME series released closer together or hear a new episode of a VARIETY of series? 

Both of these questions have options for you to choose from below. You can pick as many options as you'd like. This will help me decide which series and stories to continue next! 


~Lacey 😘


Arsene Lupin

Honestly, most of these aren't trafficking in what I really want to hear. I think I'm in the minority, but I'm much more invested in stuff you do that only involves the listener as the cock-haver in the scenario. Sharing and group stuff just doesn't usually crank my engine, unless it's a cuck situation and I can imagine being the bull. I'd be really happy to hear more about some of the secretaries you've played who are serving their bosses, or situations where you play somebodies side piece. I get the sense that a lot of what's on this list is not only really popular for you, but is stuff you personally find hot. I'm not asking you to stop doing what works for you at all, but if you're looking for feedback on where to go, that would be my request.


I always love the feedback! And I do love a good side piece story too! 🔥 So it's good to hear. Thanks AL! 😊


I don't ask for much , but PLEASE ,PRETTY PLEASE do a House of Cock. That might be my favorite.........but then again that's like picking your favorite Prince or Michael Jackson song.........so much to choose from, so many hits lol.....oh yeah, and don't forget about Bimbo Gloss......


Ugh I did forget about Bimbo Gloss in this list didn't I?! Thanks for the reminder Pax 🙂And you've got a good ear for music and smut! 😂😈😝👍