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You love jerking off while I tell you dirty stories from my past.  This one always makes me cum too! 

Let's just say I was inspired for this story and I didn't want to play alone so I let you cum along with me. 😜😂




That was truly wonderful, Lacey. I am going to quickly run out of ways to express thanking you. This scene produced another big one. 🔥


LOL... It's a good thing I already know how much you love my work 😊👍


I noticed the possibility of burnout. I just want to mention that I greatly appreciate that you try to respond to as many comments from your fans as you can (who wouldn't like to hear from someone they idolize?}. Just to try to take away some of that possibility of burnout, you can end responding to my comments. I know you appreciate praise from your fans. Hope your weekend off was refreshing!


LOL 😂 responding to comments is one of the perks for me!! But I appreciate your sentiment 😊😘👍