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These monthly updates are exclusive to Patreon. They give me an opportunity to say thank you for your support 😘 and to tell you about the craziness that I've been up to as well as what's cumming up this month.

Ugh!!! I realize I say "you know" a heck of a lot in these... I'll try to get better at not doing that.  🤦‍♀️

Here are some further notes on things referenced in this update: 

- The Discord trivia game hasn't launched yet, but it will soon. 

- If any of you want to read and comment on my Guardian Angel written story as mentioned, let me know and I'll send you a link once I'm done (hopefully sometime this month) 

- And if any of you have tips on how to reduce the noise from my laptop fan or suggestions for the best acoustic set up in my room, then I'd welcome them too,  just message me 🙂

Happy Early Valentine's!! 

Stay Safe,

~Lacey 💋




Id be willing to help out with those scripts

Romulan Alemaster

I remember seeing one of your written fantasies, the name escapes me now, but it was really hot. I'm sure you'll find no shortage of us willing to get inside your ummm.. head and help😂 seriously though, really looking forward to all these teasy audios I'm hearing about😈


I am willing to read and comment on your Guardian Angel written story!


Yeah I'd be up to look them over and well!