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Nurse Candy takes you along with her to visit, Mr. Parker, a participant in the hospital's prestigious sleep research program.

She knows how important sleep studies are to the hospital and always cums fully equipped to handle any patient situation that might pop up. 




Nurse Candy, I should have mentioned that the woman I am addicted to is a Goddess so I will need the strongest stuff you have. I also need some protein supplements as she just keeps draining me. I hope you can help cure me.😊


LOL, Nurse Candy tends to keep all the protein shots for herself. 😝 But you definitely need to keep your strength up for a goddess, gathra!! Unfortunately, I don't think a cure's been invented yet... thank goodness!! 🤣🤪


Ummm…Lacey, it sounds like you were _really_into this one… Mr. Parker was lucky to have such a dedicated 'staff member' attending his member/staff and administering such a thorough, probing examination…


She's such a dedicated nurse isn't she? ;) And yes I did really enjoy this one!