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Maleficent FULL

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I believe that the king was obsessed with Maleficent for fear of losing his power and practically lost his mind over it. I don't think it was ever really about Aurora. Out of greed for power, he betrayed Maleficent and stole her wings (which can be equated with rape, by the way) and after she came to the castle and cast the curse, he did everything he could to avert it. Not out of fear for Aurora, but because he realised that if he couldn't avert the curse, there was nothing he could do to stop Maleficent if she ever tried to overthrow him. However, I think it's a shame that we didn't see what made Stefan this way, because when we meet him as a child, he's still willing to dispose of his practically only possession, the ring, so that he doesn't hurt Maleficent. I miss the story leading up to his adulthood and the path his life must have taken to make him the Stefan we see again, who is ready to maim Maleficent to seize power.

Jessica George

I really enjoyed you guys! I loved how into the movie she got haha. You guys mentioned umbridge which reminded me I need a movie two reaction of harry potter haha. ;) I thought Angelina did a great job as maleficent. In the beginning she mentioned that stefan wanted power and got lost in human greed so he quit coming to see her, then saw an opportunity to gain power by taking her wings, then she came and cursed his child, and it was a stab at his pride. But they kind of hinted that those years before he had a kid she was already causing chaos for them. They showed it based off of how they all feared her and knew who she was. im surprised they didn't go against stefan, cause you could see they had no respect for him as a king, especially after he didn't have a care for his dying wife. I would've been like look we don't want him lol leave us alone you can have this piece of crap. XD

Midnight Crypt Worx (Nikki Davis)

I'm not sure if you have seen Snow White and the Huntsman or not yet but that is also another good one.