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I mean, if you're here, I think you already know how amazing this movie is.  Having now watched it myself, I think this is my new favorite action movie of ALL TIME.  The only two that come close for me is the Matrix and Robocop, but I really think what Cameron does with pacing, lighting, and pure badassery is just too much to beat.  Plus Arnold.  Plus the T-1000.  Plus Sarah Connor.  Plus John Connor (best version besides the Christian Bale rant of course, which is god-tier).  But yeah, this movie is incredible, if by some small chance you haven't seen it, watch it, with or without my reaction.


BLURRED #2 Terminator FULL



I’m so glad you enjoyed this and I agree it is definitely the best action film for me as well. The 90s was so authentically “cool”…Like John Connor…iconic! It has been years since I’ve seen this although the melting bad guy has stayed in my memory. I also remember really loving the story with the guy who was the original “creator” (forgot his name)…that added so much depth for me. It still breaks my heart. As a side note, although I understand why Sarah became tougher in this one, I do love how normal and relatable she was in the first movie. I really missed that. Anyway, I look forward to your thoughts :)


T3 is not terrible, its just that T2 was so good, none of the sequels after it measure up.


"Authentically cool" is a perfect descriptor, and honestly something that can be quite hard to pull off in a film. And I like Sarah Connor being just a normal person in the first film, because it adds a layer to her no-nonsense intensity in this one. Seeing that growth and contrast between her behavior in the two films is satisfying and rich. But yeah... there's just so much to love about this movie, I can't think of a single critique haha


Authentically cool was very easy to pull off in the 90s. There was Arnie, Bruce Willis, Harrison Ford, Travolta and that’s not even counting the amazing child actors during that time. I also think a part of it was that the writing of characters was more well rounded (flawed but likeable). Yes John Connor had swag and he was maybe even a bit bratty at first, but knowing his back story you really feel for him. And then those heartfelt moments with Arnie…just wonderful character development. To be honest, back then even films like Speed and Total recall that were non stop action, they still felt grounded in some way. Regarding Sarah, yes I agree, the contrast and growth in the character is satisfying. I haven’t seen T3 but it would be so cool if they fleshed out Sarah’s arc even more. She became a warrior because it was a predestined path. Now that she’s free, I’m sure that would create some sort of identity crisis. Not sure that’s what T3 is about though! Haha

Bojan Dančuo

T2 is definitely one of the best movies of all time. You should've watched the extended version, though.