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This movie was INCREDIBLE!! Talk about a legendary sequel, and a true return of the summer blockbuster.  I definitely want to see this again on the big screen, highly highly recommend!




Kirsten (Heavenli24)

Love both Top Gun movies…they’re right up my alley because I’m a civilian scientist who works with air force pilots, including fighter pilots - I brief the aircrews before they fly their missions and training sorties, and I deploy overseas with them a few months a year :P. A few fun facts about the movie: - All the flying was real - only minimal green screen. They used actual F/A-18 aircraft and sent the actors up in the back seats with small cameras… so their reactions to the flying and the G-forces are genuine. - In reality, Top Gun is no longer located near San Diego - they relocated to NAS Fallon in Nevada in 1996. In fact, North Island does not even have any fighter jet squadrons, so I assume they just took creative licence here in order to keep the same location as the original. - The bell-ringing to buy a round in the bar is a real thing - I just got back from an overseas deployment in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and there was a similar bell in the bar on base there - if you ring the bell, you buy a round for everyone in the bar :P - The mugs and planes hanging from the ceiling of the bar are also real, though it’s unlikely that they would be put up in a public bar - it’s something that happens in squadron bars and crew rooms on military bases… each pilot on the squadron has their own personalised mug :) - Val Kilmer speaks with a voice box now, so they recreated his voice electronically for the movie


I have always been a huge fan of the original Top Gun. I was 11 when it came out and have watched it at least 200+ times! It's in my Top 5 of all time! Top Gun: Maverick is even better! I'm obsessed! I saw it in the theater 3 times and have now collected a full set including a digital download, 4K Bluray UHD, and the soundtrack on CD and Vinyl! I'd like to add some more movie trivia.... Penny Benjamin is an Admiral's daughter that Maverick had an on-again, off-again relationship with. She was mentioned twice in the movie. First, by Goose in Stinger's office and then by Goose's wife, Carole, while they are in the bar singing 'Great Balls of Fire'. Yes, Miles Teller plays piano and sings in this movie! 'Great Balls of Fire' is even on the soundtrack! He was great in Whiplash... so talented! He plays saxophone and is a great dancer, too! He is definitely my favorite new pilot.... Goose is my favorite from the first movie. I do have to say though, I love me some Pheonix and Bob! Tom put all of the pilots through 4 months of flight training so that by the time they got into the F-18, they could handle it. Also, the Navy required them to pass survival training before they could fly. One of the tests was to get strapped into a seat in a simulated jet, in full gear, and blindfolded, Then they would drop the jet into the water and they had to find their way out. They needed the actors to be ready if there were ever a problem. The real fighter pilots that worked with the actors said they thought for sure at least one actor would drop out... none did! They all got sick flying in the jets, even Tom.... except for Pheonix! Look at her rising above! When Maverick goes into the bar wearing his dress white uniform, it was to tell Penny he was flying the mission. She knew that meant he might not make it back. She went on that sailing trip to try and cope. Val Kilmer has throat cancer. He's been suffering for several years now. He actually didn't want to do this movie and fought Tom over it. Tom said he wouldn't do it without him. They used Val's son's voice to give Ice Man his voice. There were a few times during the movie I got emotional, but Rooster's last line "It's what my Dad would've done" just broke me! My brother was crying, too... even my husband got choked up! Not surprised you got emotional! I got a lot of my info from interviews with the cast and Tom. l dove straight down the YouTube rabbit hole! My best source was all of the bonus videos on Bluray. So many great videos. My father is a pilot and we're so fascinated by how Tom and Director Joe Kosinski put this masterpiece together! Some of the most beautiful cinematography I've ever seen!!! You were asking what Mach 10 means... Mach 1 is the speed of sound, and Mach 10 is 10 times that! You could fly from NY to LA in 30 minutes! You asked about the Director of Top Gun, Tony Scott.... In 2010, Tony, Tom, and Producers Jerry Bruckheimer and Don Simpson started working on the sequel, but sadly Tony passed away in 2012 at just 68 years old. That's why they dedicated the movie to him. One last thing... That P-52 plane Tom was flying at the end of the movie is actually Tom's! It was his childhood dream to become a pilot, own a P-52, and make movies! I'd say he nailed it! Loved your review! This was the first time that l played my own movie synced like that, but I much preferred it! Thanks for sharing your review with us!