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We're finally here.  The end of Season 3.  It went by so quickly, and I'm pumped for Season 4.  But I am also forever heartbroken... I think you all know why...


3x22 Buffy FULL

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Becky Mitchell

To be fair, Snyder was leaving anyway. They were graduating, so no more principal. I thought it was cool that they gave him a death scene. I love that the Mayor's weakness is Faith. He does love her like a daughter, which is maybe his single human quality. Cordelia and Wesley kiss was hysterical. I think it is probably harder to act such an awkward kiss than it is a good one. I think they put that relationship in to give Wesley more screen time.... in prep for both him and Cordelia moving to the spin-off, Angel.

jimmy2k4o .

He was only invincible because of the ascension…… It’s not like he could choose to be just invincible. Invincibility was a side effect of the ascension ritual, it only started 100 days before the ascension, while the ascension preparation took years if not decades. It’s like the demons granted him invincibility when he’s only 100 days away from ascension. To protect their vessel since he’s soon to be a fellow demon. I’m sure many people aspire to ascension but never get as close as the mayor

Darrell Palmer

Thor, your confusion about the mayor’s feelings toward Faith can probably be traced to your insistence on viewing him through the lens of a Star Wars character (Palpatine). I think you are going to get a lot more out of this series if you let the characters be themselves.

Kade (Sydney, AU)

Everyone wants to play the Hero. No-one wants to be the villain. 💟