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This episode dealt with some serious themes, and I thought it handled them quite well.  Also, I've gotta ask, does anyone else love jell-o as much as Xander??


3x18 Buffy FULL

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Carrie Els

Did Willow’s interrogation cause Jonathan to act on his negative feelings? Definitely a thought that festers in my mind.

Kirsten (Heavenli24)

I still remember the day Columbine happened - I was 15, almost 16, and I remember watching it unfold live on TV here in England. It was not long after I first started watching Buffy, though they didn't air season 3 here until a few months later, and all the episodes were aired in order, so I was unaware at the time that this episode had been banned and then delayed in the US. I studied abroad in the US in 2003 and one of the girls I met there was from Colorado - her cousin was inside Columbine High when the shooting happened!


I appreciated your insight in the intro to this regarding the Buffy/Faith dynamic. Though I definitely have to say, even watching this series 5 times (now 6 with you), I frankly despise the character of Faith. It's nothing against the actress; I've seen her in Tru Calling and she was great. I truly never liked the character from the very first appearance and, for me, Season 3 was somewhat spoiled because every time she came onscreen, I was heavily irritated. The way she speaks, her overexaggerated personality, calling Buffy "B," the phrase "five by five," ALL of it, LOL. She is my most hated character from the series, and I can honestly say there are *very* few characters in the series that didn't like among those who showed for more than a couple episodes. What I *did* like about the premise of a new Slayer was having a different POV about slaying (and would have loved Kendra to have lived) and also depicting a female character who is confident in her sexuality. I just wish they hadn't made Faith a caricature of sexuality, like a woman can't be sexually confident without it also being repulsive and harmful, to herself or others. Anyway, that's just my POV on Faith. My favorite characters at this point are Willow, Oz, Spike, Cordelia, and Wesley. As you are now on Season 4, you know of Spike's return, and although I liked him as a villain from the start, Spike in Season 4 is awesome. Spike and the Mayor are two of my favorite villains of the entire series.