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Finally did a collab with Alley, and talk about a perfect choice of an episode!  Possibly my favorite episode of the season (I know I keep saying that, but then I keep watching another amazing episode haha).  The discussion is pretty long for this one, but I really enjoyed our conversation about the show, the episode, and different characters...


3x17 Buffy Collab FULL

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Angel & Faith hooking up… that could have been typical storytelling. The whole love triangle route they could have gone. Faith bringing Angelus back & over to the dark side… again could have been a detour on the way to the finish line. What I love about this show is, it doesn’t always go the way you think it will. Prime example of that is this episode, the twist… of it all being a trap for Faith, SO GENIUS & completely unexpected. It also felt good for the scooby gang team to get a win in, to get in front of the Mayor for a change.


Considerate of Alley to crop out her spoilery paraphernalia. I haven't had dairy milk in years so I'm with Faith there. The reveal here is so great, can't deny I enjoy Buffy talking down to Faith haha. Also, I'd watch a mini golf match between Ted and the Mayor.