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Did Willow just become the best character in the show??  This episode was hilarious, and just plain awesome... whoever came up with this idea deserves a raise.  Also, I have some thoughts about vampire Willow and how it all ends...


3x16 Buffy FULL

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G. Smith

Yah, Faith's smooth reintegration into the group seems ... weird. Especially from Wesley's perspective. I guess at this point he's just given up already xD


Buffy was able to kill Angelus, or actually Angel in the end, because she had to. It was Angel or the rest of the world, since he opened the portal. That wasn’t the case with Vampire-Willow. I think one point could be made, and was made a few comments back, that they didn’t know if the Willows would be connected somehow and another was the emotional consequences. Buffy almost broke when she had to kill Angel, so who knows how she would have been able to handle killing Willow, even the vampire version. And how Willow would have handled the image of Buffy killing ‘her‘. So, yeah, they kind of ‘sacrificed‘ the other reality by sending Vampire-Willow back, but it‘s also understandable and a bit like a nature photographer not stoping a lion killing an antilope. It‘s not really their place to stop Vampire-Willow. It‘s the other reality’s responsibility. They just ‘released‘ her into her natural habitat.