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THIS. IS. UNREAL.  What happened to Buffy?? And since when did Darth Faith take such a wild turn to the dark?


3x14 Buffy FULL

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The Family Circus is a wholesome cartoon strip about a family that appeared (maybe still does??) in newspapers. I'm sure it's online if you wanted to see what it's about, as the Mayor enjoying such a "pure" sort of entertainment is a good example of his strange juxtaposition as a family man villain. The Family Circus is not really my tastes, as I think they're also a little on the preachy side ("family values," which today doesn't mean what it should, but I don't want to get into politics here, so....). Marmaduke is a comic strip about a large, mischievious Great Dane. Cathy is a comic strip about a single career woman who is always lamenting about being single for some reason. (I love being single myself, LOL.). But Cathy is seen as more of a "chick's cartoon strip" and not something most men would enjoy, hence the looks the Mayor and Trick gave the assistant.