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Cherry magic ep 5-converted


Cédric Bardoux

I think you should wait for the anime that the Thai live end first. To keep the flame alive after again. I am really in cloud nine with the thai adaptation of the manga, which I love so much. I cannot compare to the japanese live adaptation because they made a very special one, tamed to the extreme. Tay New nailed really well the characters. About dreams and path of life, I totally get you. People tend to judge badly those you do not have a creative path or a chasing dream way of life. Well, I find that jugdmental because each life is an universe . I got the same questions about my life as you in an another way. For you it is professional, I received a diagnosis of cancer (stage 4). Fortunatly even if that disease if tenacious, it is not too destructive, I am still almost full functionnal but it shake all your way. On my case, I am now in invalidity pension, I am not working anymore (fortunate, we got good social cover here) but I have no choice to re-evaluate everything around me. Hospital from 1 to 4 time a week change all in my planification.


Ok, be aware incoming, the longest answer I have ever written on a comment. I’m serious, grab a drink, story time incoming. But first, yes, that's kind of what I want to do, drag it out. Watch this first and then the anime, but I also know that some ppl are in the hype want it all as it airs, so I thought I should check. :) But I think I will do it the way I want to, the anime after, so we can restart this amazing journey again. Ok, so you know that question, what did you dream about when you were a young child, what did you want to be? I can’t answer that. I never had a dream like that when I was small. And to understand why I need to give you the big picture I think a lot of it has been in reaction tidbits here and here so maybe not new but here we go. My parents were extremely career focus to the degree I often wonder why did they even have me? I wasn’t neglected per see, but I was alone, a lot. I know from the age of 15 months to the age of 9 I was in daycare either a daycare mum or in extra care before and after school from around 6 am to 6 pm every day. Sometimes on weekends as well. I never really saw them, I can’t remember them playing with me. I was also very sick and that stressed them out, no parents want their child to be sick that's stress but when you are a career focus parent in an economical crisis like Sweden had in the early 90is well it’s extra stress having to be home and take care of me while working or studying. Furthermore, I was also bullied in school and had no real friends. I never learned connection. When I hit 10 I started to go to school by myself, making my own breakfast, making sure I got dressed and all of that because there were no daycare options anymore. Same in the afternoons. I walked home, made myself some kind of snack, and was alone most of the time. I remember having my first clear, I wonder if it would be better if I despaired/died type of feeling around the age of 6. And during my youth up to around my 20 ish they were with me constantly, I would climb up on the school roof and sit and look out on the edge wondering if I feel down would it hurt, would I die? I didn't want to be a vegetable putting more burden on my parents, I wanted it to be quick and painless. Now I realize this is not normal for an 8-9 year old. But for me, it was normal. This was what I thought about and my “dream”. I told my parents once about my thoughts and by then attempts but that ended up in a guilt how can you excuse us of being bad parents trip and that guilting my mum would continue with until a year or two before she passed. On someway, I think I lived with that guilt thinking I was wrong and really becoming the thing I didn't want more of a burden, and it kind of crushed all other dreams. I know I wanted things like, not having to worry about money, not having to listen to other ppls voices because working for other ppl seriously stresses me out. I over analysis every social interaction and especially in an office environment because I know I lack some of the basic skills of connecting with ppl. Since I never really learned. That's why I studied sociology to begin with, I thought maybe if I understand how humans build society, groups, culture, I could understand how to fit in. Didn’t really work. The one thing that has really felt like, this might work for me is content creation. But as I said I come from a background where titles and money is extremely important, that's all I have seen my parents and my brother chasing. Me studying drama wasn’t frond upon but it was always with the understanding that I should get a “real” job and that drama was not going to give me that security. So letting go of that, my whole system, it’s not a decision that is easy or clear. And every time I watch this storyline or read it, I get reminded that at the end of the day it’s not about being creative or being an office drone, both can have value it’s more about the abstract feeling of accomplishment and feeling proud of yourself. And that can take a very different way. So that was a long one, I know. Lastly. I hate that you are that sick, I want to give you the magic medicine and take it all away. Cancer is a scary word and even if mine is not even stage one, it’s still a cancer and I remember what did to me to hear that word. So I can only imagine what it must be when they say it’s stage 4. I’m happy that mine isn’t worse, and I can’t get put on sick pension as of now at least. But it does complicate a lot of things when trying to figure out the work thing since if I’m going to get another well paid office job there are still a lot of adaptions that's need to be made and well most aren’t willing.