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 After 3 weeks I was able to finish my first head mod, I had to make over 30 improvements and fix many glitches, so it's a mod with a lot of effort.

 There's only one thing left to add (sorry) and that's the tear morphs, I didn't add the tear because its was taking too long, but if someone is bothered by that, I could add them.

The body is the same as the FF7 remake model with bonemod, but in the "character  maker" her body can look deformed, it works fine in studioneo and when you are in the room with her, if you don't like just delete the bonemod.txt file. Any problem with the mod, feel free to tell me.


- If the makeup doesn't load, you need HSResolveMoreSlotID and MoreSlotID.

- It will look deformed with the bonemod.txt in the character maker (it's a glitch from the  bonemod) but it works fine in the studioneo and in the main game.

- The mod works perfectly in 4k, in lre you can have neckseam.


Pass: Sc@rlet_5463

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Yo, dude. really love your work but may i ask if the eye type can be replaced?? i tried to change her eye color but failed

George Jetson

I have the same issue with the eyes. I noticed that you did not have an eye unity file. Initially I thought it was a CAB ID issue, but seeing how there's no unity file, I don't quite know what the root of the issue is. Other than that- Scarlet looks really good.