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This week, Sparty discusses how despite the fierce attempts by the besieging Nazi invaders, the people of Leningrad refuse to allow them to rob the city of its humanity. Dmitri Shostakovich's 'Symphony no. 7' premieres in the besieged city of Leningrad.

We've mentioned in some of these posts that because of all of you who have enlisted in the TimeGhost Army, we've been able to hire new editors, writers, designers, and fact checkers. 

However this also means we need to train new editors, writers, designers, and fact checkers, and they need some time to get adjusted to working with TimeGhost. This has led to a bit of an mess up where files for a Ties and Spies video were deleted, which was meant to be published publicly today. Because the algorithm will give us a hard time for posting less regularly, we've had to switch the WaH and Spies and Ties premier dates. 

This means that unfortunately this episode will be posted both to the TimeGhost Army and publicly on YouTube today, as opposed to the early release we usually give you guys. Please accept our apologies, and know that we're 100% committed to doing everything we can to say thank you for all your incredible support. Whenever possible we want to give you content early and behind the scenes updates. Thank you for helping us keep history alive.


The Symphony That Defeated the Wehrmacht - WAH 040 - August 1942, Pt .1

The Big Action at the Warsaw Ghetto continues, while The Japanese carry out retaliations against the Chinese for aiding American airmen. Dmitri Shostakovich's 'Symphony no. 7' premieres in the besieged city of Leningrad. Join us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TimeGhostHistory Or join the TimeGhost Army directly at: https://timeghost.tv/signup/ Check out our TimeGhost History YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/timeghost Between 2 Wars: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrG5J-K5AYAU1R-HeWSfY2D1jy_sEssNG Follow WW2 Day by Day on Instagram: @ww2_day_by_day Follow TimeGhost History on Instagram: @timeghosthistory Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimeGhostHistory/ Hosted by: Spartacus Olsson Director: Astrid Deinhard Producers: Astrid Deinhard and Spartacus Olsson Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson, Bodo Rittenauer Creative Director: Wieke Kapteijns Creative Producer: Maria Kyhle Written by: Spartacus Olsson and Joram Appel Research by: Joram Appel Edited by: Miki Cackowski Map animations by: Miki Cackowski and Daniel Weiss Map research by: Markus Linke Sound design by: Marek Kamiński Colorizations by: Daniel Weiss Mikołaj Uchman Source literature list: http://bit.ly/WW2sources Archive footage: Screenocean/Reuters - https://www.screenocean.com Image sources: Yad Vashem 1552/34, 1597/112, 1100/3, 4613/451, 3733/10, 3733/1, 1605/1006, 3380/1252 IWM TR 711 Soundtracks from Epidemic Sound: Jon Bjork - Disposal Jon Bjork - Icicles Cobby Costa - Flight Path Jon Bjork - For the Many Johan Hynynen - Dark Beginning Gavin Luke - Drifting Emotions 3 Phoenix Tail - Last Minute Reaction Phoenix Tail - At the Front Edward Karl Hanson - Firebreak A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.



A little unexpected, but the TimeGhost Army understands. Keep it up!


Finally some Leningrad! I'm quite behind with War Against Humanity, I'm still in January or February, so I'm not sure if you already made an episode about Leningrad, but I was really surprised that Indy barely even mentioned it in all this time. I thought it was a much bigger deal.


No worries TimeGhost team. Keep up the great work.


Dmitri, raised a finger to authority, and he did with art. A punk rocker, decades before Iggy and/or The Stooges, the New York Dolls, or Patty Smith.


As a retired IT professional, I completely understand. This has happened to me as well.


Nothing like accidentally dropping a table in production right?


On my trip to Russia around two years ago, the visit to the Leningrad museum is an experience that will live with me forever. I had to wear sunglass during the entire tour so that folks wouldn't see my tears. Thanks for a wonderful presentation one of the most horrible times in human history.


Nancheng just one of hundreds perhaps thousands of cities and towns the Jap did this way I have been told by others that the 40-50M the Jap killed means little as compared to the 25M killed by Nazi b/c of the way the Nazi did their killing And that Germans were more civilized then the East I find both of these to me white ppl looking to cover for white ppl while letting Jap get away with the killing of more then twice as many just b/c the ppl the Jap was killing were not as "civilized" Well I will say it now China has been "civilized" for at least 3000 yr longer the northerner Europa and if if they had not been they are still human but then look at what we shite folk allowed the


Belgians to do in the Congo

Haldon Lindstrom

Sorry for the mix-up, but I'm glad that you're getting the staff you need to keep making these amazing videos. Hope that your new team members settle into their roles, and I'm looking forward to their contributions going forward.


In one of these WAH episodes could you go over Nazi views and atrocities against Roma and Sinti peoples? We all know about their attitude towards Jews but Gypsy peoples were also marked for death and that should be worth a thorough overview.


8:50 so it’s not a recent phenomenon for people to get good advice from a government and then act like the government is obviously running a conspiracy and then ignore it. Only to be angry later when they incur the results they were warned of.


I listened to this symphony the other day, in its entirety. It's quite the piece of music. The level of neglect, incompetence and blatant cruelty by the Soviet Government is mind-blowing. It seems that the Russian citizen of the mid-20th century had as much to fear from his/her government as they did from the genocidal maniacs of the Third Reich.


Define "civilized". There were massacres in Chinese history as well- whenever Chinese dynasties changed hands there was always a great bloodletting. The Taiping Rebellion itself caused the deaths of 20+ million; from 1211-1234 the Mongolians massacred 60 million after conquering the Qing. Time to hit the history books, champ. That time would be better spent than slinging around random charges of racism at white people.


Yes i now this and USAer's did it to over 100M Native Americans while Spanish did int over 200M Native South Americans and are still dong it today


note that i put civilized in " " and was using it to say that Japanese got away with what they did b/c they did it to non white ppl when it is not white ppl being killed it means nothing to white ppl