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Englewood Pony

i think starlight is refreshing. To have someone so blunt and so flawed and yet obviously not a villian, it makes for a cool dynamic. Kinda like when Sunset gets mad.

Popee Possum Kid

I HATED starlight the first time I watched these seasons but recently re watching them I absolutely adore her X3




I’m not really sure when it happened, but by around S8, I realized that Starlight somehow became my favorite character in the entire show. Above Twilight, Rainbow, EVERYONE. And I was pretty indifferent to her in her villain debut. She has a way of being warmed into the more you see of her redeeming herself. She’s just learning rn.


Garble is a jerk, but gotta respect the loyalty he has to the whole Dragon Lord position.


YAY, I know we’re way ahead on MLP so thanks for feeding us scoot 🙌🏻🙌🏻 can’t wait to get off work and binge these


oh damn. Ember time. Best dragon save for Spike.

Natasha Hightower

Starlight Glimmer is my second favorite pony. She is relatable to me. My favorite (and most relatable) is Sunset Shimmer, then Starlight Glimmer, and in the 3rd spot Twighlight (Twighlight is my favorite of the main 6)

Awkward Segway

I hate Starlight Glimmer. I could write a whole treatise on why she's such an awful character.

Nathan Jarrett

Congratulations? I guess. Just ignore the episodes she's in then, nobody wants your negativity

Nada Elraddaf

right? i love her i think shes great. ur allowed to dislike her but theres no reason to advertise it 😭


This is valid. I don't quite understand the crazy hype about her but everyone has their own opinions. If people can comment about how much they love her, then you're totally allowed to mention that you don't. This is a comment section after all

Jeff Spencer

2 great episodes. I love ember she is a great character with just as much world building and development as we got to see with the mane 6 in season 1 and 2. she doesn't know how to deal with friends but is willing to learn and given time we can only hope for the best. same for starlight, she has no idea how to deal with friends but want's to learn and her getting with trixie (whom I've loved since season 1) is a great mash up as they both have been horrible at making friends but both want to learn to be better. and now that we got trixie being good all I can say is I can't wait for "look before you sleep" trixie, starlight, and twilight edition

Marion Ette

Spike us such a ride-or-die friend; this episode was one of the reasons that had me seriously rebuilding respect for Spike.


Scoot squeaking and getting up to see the rain was the cutest thing ever ^W^

Ember Aura

Hey, if you don’t want to pay for watching it anymore, there’s a YT channel called The Cartoon Archive that has all the episodes uploaded for free!

Ember Aura

Constellation Pony’s name is Star Hunter not Thunderlane