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Cure Violet

This was such a great finale we have come such a long way!!! I can't wait for MLP eg friend ship games and just more MLP thank you scoot!❤️


The reason for why there isn't something at the end to indicate what's coming next season was because this was supposed to be another series finale. In other words, the creators didn't know they were gonna get renewed again.

Rosé’s half eaten candle

I absolutely loved this season finale. I was so hyped to see where the story would go with starlight. Quick note for Friendship games tho, watch the post credit scene, it has a little easter egg!


Starlight's story as a villan is actually really compelling when you think about it. But the execution fell flat at the end. On initial viewing, you may belive that Starlight was wanted to destroy equestria over lossing one friend, but that is not the case. It goes much deeper than that. Starlight created her town after her friend sunburst left to canterlot after getting his cutiemark She built this town and removed everyone's cutie marks so that she wouldn't lose a friend like that again. This must have taken years of work, and who knows how many bits, its not an exaggeration to say that this may have been her life's work. But know she has a whole towns worth of "friends' ' and she has complete control. And its all destroyed as soon as twillight shows up. Suddenly her whole town that she built from the ground up turns on her and she is forced to leave. All her friends are gone, her life's work is now marred by cutie marks, she has no home, she has nothing… and its all twilights fault. She then wanders equestria for MONTHS, trying to figure out what to do next. She could go back to her childhood home but that only brings up bad memories. No one is interested in what she has to say, especially if a princess decrys it. The only thing she can do is think, think, and plot how to get back at this Princess of friendship. Starlight learns about the special cutie mark connection twilight and her friends have, and with this she can finally take her revenge. Using starswirl's spell she'll break that connection and prevent Twilight frome ever meeting her friends. Its perfect, "You took my friends away, so ill take your friends way" Starlight has never heard of Twilight before she came to her village. She had little to no idea how important twilight and her friends were. The village was so out of the way, they may not have even been aware of the threats the mane six faced, let alone who defeated them, it was probably Celestia or something. As far as Starlight knew, Twilight was just some random new princess that forces her morals onto everyone else. She didn't think that all of equestria would fall without twilight. And when twilight tries to tell her, she assumes shes being dramatic, why would she believe the fate of equestria would be determined by six random ponies? Starlight wanted to get back at twilight, but she didn't realize that doing so would undoubtedly doom equestria. Starlight was just so angry at twilight, even when she saw the future she was making, she was still willing to create it. Starlight didn't nearly destroy equestria because of a lost friend, she did it to get back at the person that took everything away from her, the person who completely contradicts her worldview, the person Starlight wanted to be. And that person was Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Bryan G

Havent seen much gen V. (Its bad) , but I do know that its the same timeline far in the future. And dragons live for a long time so its probably supposed to be the same spike.


Yay, favorite pony has arrived

Matias Siuruainen

I LOVE that how much you love Rainbow Dash, cuz i love her too. Never stop loving best pony :) And Don't listen to those haters who tell you otherwise.


Scoot this isn't a spoiler since you can't spoil was never happened but you need to know Starlight Glimmer wasn't supposed to exist. Someone else was supposed to be who Starlight Glimmer is now and who is she is going to be in the future. Without spoiling anything the 2nd movie's climax revealed the alternative timeline.

Jeff Spencer

it makes sense that this had nothing leading to season 6 when you realize this was the end THIS was the series finale of MLP. in season 4 they show had announced that there'd be 5 seasons of MLP which lead all to panic that this was the end but as this season came out it was confirmed that it was 5 MORE seasons thus being the 9 we have. also can I just say how bad ass Starlight is? she is at the level shot for shot of an alicorn whom held the power of EVERY SINGLE alicorn. bro come on that is some cheat level OP power right thereas for the 7th member that was long suggested but never confirmed but a bit of conspiracy whispering to light the flame of what if is that Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer do sound the same thus them being the smae figure piece in each series.


the writer were dick riding starlight HARD, i hâte her so much

Awkward Segway

The biggest issue I have with this finale (even more than Starlight's lame backstory), is that they didn't think through the logical consequences of changing the past. How was Nightmare Moon defeated in all the timelines that she wasn't in? How was Sombra defeated in all the timelines that he wasn't in? No matter what, those two are guaranteed to come back. But how they were defeated isn't addressed.


Don't see why that should matter. The recurring villains weren't the point of the episode.


i would just assume celestia (and luna in the ones without nightmare moon) defeated them


not a spoiler but u NEED to watch the scene at the end of the credits of Friendship Games


tbh a better backstory should have involved her being bullied for getting her mark late and/or people being treated differently based on their marks


Would love for you to watch the new song Vivziepop just posted! It's amazing!

Englewood Pony

Starlight is kinda like Broly. Bullshit backstory but quickly makes everyone like them.


Well Gen5 is nearly not as good as gen4 and has its flaws in many ways... one reason is, that it takes place far into the future of gen4. It simply wasnt necessary... The main problem here is the jumbled and inconsistent story between the MYM and TYT Series (TYT was mostly bad -.-) and that it seems like the Creators didnt have all rights from Gen4 except for a couple of characters which added to a lot of inconsistencies in itself due to beating around the bush all the time... The main idea was a good one, the execution was bad. Also its targeted much more to the younger audience again. But still... i enjoyed it for what it was.


so excited for season 6 episode 8!!


I personally wish they included the whole village thing I'm the backstory, so there was more to this whole "cutie marks ruin everything" mindset, as it seems more reasonable when those are taken into account.

Ashley Flower

When they were time traveling, they always went to somewhere in ponyville. We didn't see twilight because she lived in canterlot b4 she became friends with the group.


I loved the gen 5 movie. Haven't really watched the series yet, but I watched a lot of the youtube miniseries thing and also the special they put out ages ago, and I enjoyed it a lot! Maybe I'm just easy to please but I thought it was good.


I’m new here and I love your reactions ♥️♥️♥️♥️ I really do enjoy your perspective on this show !! ✨✨

Ember Aura

Fluttershy is bigger than everyone else bc she’s a year older than everyone. There’s a flashback that happens later on including AJ with the exact same body type. It just means they’re a little older. She actually confirms this in the first Gilda episode where Pinkie Pie says “Auntie Pinkie Pie’s got it ALL taken care of,” and Fluttershy says “…I’m a year older than you…” Honestly, it’s probably why she was bullied as harshly as she was.


Listening to scoot meat ride rainbow is just as bad as spike meat riding rarity