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vinyl sctatch

Perfect timing!!! I was just rewatching your song reactions on youtube! Thank you much!🤗

Mackenzie F

Thank you scoot 🥰

Spes Lux

Ep. 18 is definitely a peak episode, also I love how the scroll at the end of the intro includes new ponies they meet through the series


I love how at the end Celestia made it a point to show Luna the picture, since she’s been basically a mentor to them the whole series


i cry everytime i see ep 18 😭


bro I finally figured out what they changed in the intro. when twilight sings my little pony there used to be a “myyyyyy” backing vocal that played under it and they completely removed it


I love Ep 18 this season. Top 3 easy


Episode 18 makes me cry everytime 😭 it just might be my favorite episode in the whole show! one of them at least! the songs are so good as well!

Awkward Segway

Great timing for this, since CMC Day on Equestria Daily was just this past Monday


You really shouldn't be apologizing for the folks who spoiled it for you. What you need to do is deal with them harshly. The reason we watch content like this is for authentic reactions. I've been waiting for your reaction to this episode forever and now it's ruined. The fact that you might not mind so much isn't the point. You have paying customers here on Patreon and people spoiling things for you is damaging your product.

Emperor Belos

I can’t watch this episode and not think of the brownies react I crack up every time

Thine Tiny Equine

Oh yeah. Some episodes are going to start taking place at the same time. I forget which ones. But yeah, I think it's semi-implied that the CMC managed to actually alter their true talents by becoming the CMC. They still have those talents, as the shadows inside of their badge-marks. But they got a more major talent in their ability to guide others, making them have a shared basis of talents. Which is the same with the Mane 6! All got their marks through a connection, so they don't just have one shape. They all have threes, except for Twi who has all six, and RD who was the center of the blast, having one mark with the loyalty symbol.


this broke the fandom when it aired. they pulled the cutie mark thing at the last second when everybody thought the episode was about to end. thank u scoot!


Two episodes at the same time doesn't start here, it ends here. This is one of only two times it happens and the other was back near the end of s2

Thine Tiny Equine

Ah, that's right! It's been so long since I've done a proper watch through I had it mixed up.


Yeah if I didn’t get spoiled I for sure wouldn’t have thought it was gonna happen this episode


That’s interesting, honestly not sure how I feel about that lol


No I agree, but there’s not too much I can do about it. Whether people do it on purpose or not it’s sometimes unavoidable. But I’d rather be honest with you all than to fake it. For me personally it doesn’t ruin it because I still enjoyed the experience which I feel like is the goal. But I understand where you’re coming from.


Dang I went back and looked and yeah that’s a great detail they added


To be clear, I DO appreciate you being honest and not faking it. We'd be able to tell and that would be even worse. This video was still entertaining and it was nice to see your reactions to the things you didn't know. I'm not saying everything is ruined and I'm unsubscribing or anything like that. But you need to ban whoever spoiled it and let everyone know it'll happen to them too if they spoil anything else. I realize there's still a chance some dumbass does it anyway, but at least that person won't anymore and maybe other folks will be more careful


Oh this is one of the episodes I skipped and never actually watched because I saw Big Mac and cringed so hard I closed the video player and deleted the episode off my hard drive.


Diamond Tiara's cutie mark represents her natural born leadership skills.


i love the designs

Palette XD

I WAS WAITINGGGGGGGG FOR THIS EPISODE!! It brought me to tears when i was small bc i've had been watching this show since its debut and seeing them grow up with me and discover themselves together for such an amazing feat was heartwarming, i absolutely adore the CMC!! Awesome reaction as always Scoot! gosh i always cry in this episode lmao, diamond tiaras lil redemption arc hits close to home.

Jeff Spencer

me too I still to this day cant watch it and not cry. I never had kids but this was like watching my daughters achieve their greatness and even tho its a happy moment I always cry

Jeff Spencer

and thank god for kleenex. that ending on brotherhooves social always makes me cry. hearing big mac break down and be so open I cant help but cry. and crusaders of the lost mark oh my god how I love this episode. getting to hear tiara and silver sing made this episode amazing.... annnnd sad when she ripped spoons head off like that but then the epic tiara song. bro I was so happy that right there made this my top 5 episode. all the music DT and silvers songs this could not get any better and then BAM! the CMC got thier marks I did and always have cried at this moment. this is my #1 episode of all because my girls got their marks


I mean, if people's theories are right and it was youtube, there's literally nothing to be done about it. Scott engaging with his fans is important for his growth, and if youtube puts out a spoiler, you can't ban someone from youtube. Additionally, there's the other detail of someone THINKING they weren't spoiling, but leaving just enough information Scoot figured it out. Like recently, my boyfriend asked me what my favorite pokemon was. I of course said Pikachu. He then asked what my second favorite was, and I immediately asked "is this for Christmas?". He was trying to be sly, but I caught on anyway. You can't really punish someone if they were TRYING to not be obvious about it. It sucks and all, but sometimes this stuff happens, and the only real solution is for Scoot to NEVER engage with his fans, which would result in the death of his channels. All he can do is tackle the egregious ones who are just shouting spoilers to be an ass, and only on twitch. MAYBE patreon, idk if there's a way to boot someone off your patreon lol.

Jay Robin

I really love that the 3 colours of the badge come from all their hair colours.


This was the writer's last episode of MLP. She swore in season one that the CMC would one day get their marks, and she made sure to deliver before she left.



Salem Karr

Not Scoot saying this is the closest he would be to crying while I am in tears


Not really the reaction I was expecting. Most bronies jumped out of their seat when the CMCs finally got their cutie marks.