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mlp fans have been eating lately


Chat wasn't lying btw. Starlight was hiding her face with a menu at that one scene. You can see her hair and fur color, just casually spying.


Nah I believe them, just wasn’t worth stopping there while reaction over


Right Celestia big time, they scared 😂

Carly Norwood

Haha season 5 and their facial expressions. Priceless


Moondancer has the same voice as adagio I noticed hahaha

Rosé’s half eaten candle

My favorite thing about Amending Fences, is that Moondancer is basically what Twilight wouldve turned out like if she never left Canterlot


Man, I remember crying at this episode when I was a kid cause I related so much to Twilight and Moondancer. And I cried again rewatching it cause i STILL relate to them 💀💀💀

Jeff Spencer

Still hate party pooped the ONLY thing that makes that episode watchable is pinkie pie they did her good. that episode the yaks I am sorry but WTF are you gonna do starting a war against 4 alicorns and the bareers of the elements of harmony and if that wasn't enough DISCORD! bro try and start something and see how fast your ass is wiped from equestria you wont even be a line in history. amending fences tho that episode was fire we get to see twilight had she not made friends how recluse she'd become and also how your decisions can effect others. and yeah starlight was hiding in the background, spoiler she still isn't twi's friend and may want her head on a spike