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Awkward Segway

Yes, the intro song changed slightly in season 2, episode 3. The song remains the same for the rest of the show. However, there are some visual differences in the intro every new season except for 3 (and maybe 9, I forget if its different from season 8).

Randall Woods Jr

Ponies can write but only with their mouths and unicorns write using their magic(levitation).

Thine Tiny Equine

As far as I remember, there's always some small change. Even if it's just one character or a new instrument, there is always some kind of change made to the intro. There might be an exception for season 3 because of how short it was.


The "middle child" thing, them being treated the worst, it isn't really true. They just feel like they do because they get no exceptional negatives or positives. The eldest is given a lot of trust, but in exchange it comes with a lot of responsibility. The youngest gets a lot of privileges, but that comes with being babied. The middle child gets no exceptional trust, nor exceptional responsibility, no exceptional privileges, nor exceptionally babied. They are somewhat the default lol. But all paths will have those that think they are treated the worst, like they say, the grass is always greener on the other side.

Jeff Spencer

Squeeky belle was an adorable thing back in the days but it passes as the VA's them selves are kids at this point and growing up the voices change a bit. as for the cutie pox episode the cutiemarks don't determine exactly what your talent in life is but more of a symbol. like pinkie she is a party pony not a balloon pony but the mark gives you hints at what her talent is silver and tiara are the same but we dont have enough story on them too make that observation.


someone in chat mentioned how applebloom can control her booty hairs so well even tho its just hair, but just wanted to say horses do have actual tails under the hair and it looks wild