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super excited everytime scoot uploaded mlp


Pullin up gen 3 photos😂. Only good gen is 4 everthing else is garbage.


Hasbro/DHX didn't want to confirm their parents death as it is a children's show. However, I believe it was one of the story writers that had a statement about wanting an episode for kids who can relate to their parents passing to show that they'll always have friends/family to keep their memories alive for them even if they're too young to have their own memories. Too add further, I'm sure there's someone who can fill us in on the episode, but there's an episode where AJ looks up to the sky and a star twinkles at the mention of her parents. (It's an older episode, not a spoiler.)


Episode 14 was written to address how some of the adult fans of the show were complaining about the writing of the show. It's also the last episode written by M.A. Larson who wrote a couple of episodes in season 1-3.


Considering both parents are missing... at the very least they probably died together in an accident or something. So there is a slight hint. I don't think they're subtle about the fact that they're dead, just the precise details of the death. But I think grandpear didn't get to see the mum ever again after he left... so it's a bit sad


I wonder if Scoot is gonna watch Pony Life? (gen 4.5) Considering it has the same characters I don't see why not.


Tru tru. Personally would like to see the mlp movie of course but dive deep into some of the fan made stuff. Rainbow dash presents and friendship is withcraft would go crazy.

Popee Possum Kid

"if you made it this far, you know what to do, hit that like button, subscribe if your new" goes crazy

Jeff Spencer

Yes Apple family Reunion S3 ep 8. Sibsy confirmed it on twitter that the shooting stars were the parents making an appearance in the reunion

Jeff Spencer

bro these episodes man they are fire. funny story I almost quit the fandom before this with episode 10 and 13. you don't know this about hasbro but in the fandom when these where fresh knew hasbro sucked like REALLY sucked at security and the new episodes had been released on youtube and other video sites months in advance and it wasn't the first time this had happen this meant you had to avoid everyone to avoid spoilers and one of the few joys I had in life was the new episodes. luckily I was at a brony gathering (SR party) when I saw them and kept watching the show. and even to this day I can not watch 13 and not cry the moment that song hits it triggers me into knowing what is gonna happen and what happen to the parents (which is never confirmed but the death is confirmed as best as they can for a children's TV show) and lastly episode 14 fame and misfortune. this was the OTHER fan nod like how episode 100 (slice of life) gave bronies all they desired this one poked fun at them for their whining which is why Larson is credited as the writer but IS NOT the writer. he had this written as along the lines of episode 100 but hasbro wanted a more poking fun at the fandom one (which is still funny) but he wasn't part of it and thus was the last episode he had any part in before leaving the show. OHHH fun fact those two ponies that dissed rarity, yeah they are never seen again so we know what starlight did to them.

Jeff Spencer

same but also it's getting sad as it's getting closer to the end and I don't want it to end


An email from a writer to Hasbro got leaked and it basically said while the fate of Pear Butter and Bright Mac is never confirmed in the show, they’re dead as hell💀


Aint no way he banned Noodles for being punny😭


Everyone who hates episode 14 hates it because they're in it and don't like what they see. That episode is a masterpiece. It even predicted its own haters.


Pear's are amazing😭


You mention the movie like you're not sure he's going to watch it for some reason. I would expect that whoever is telling him the order to watch things has told him it needs to be watched after this season because seasons 8 and 9 reference it

Marcy Wu

They definitely taste good but their texture puts a lot of people off.



Marcy Wu

I don't know that we ever find out what happened to the Apple parents but my theory is it was Timberwolves because of a few reasons. With how close the Apple Farm is to the Timberwolves natural habitat and the three older Apples serious attitude towards them makes me think that a horrible attack may have been what took their parents/kids.


fame and misfortune is incredibly meta, the entire thing is the writers making fun of bronies😭


everyone hated rarity, everyone loved rainbow, pinkie was never taken seriously, AJ was popular, and fluttershy was fr hated because she “kept learning the same lesson”😭


Were not flawless 🎵


Yeah I didn’t get that it was about the fan base at first but when I found out it made the episode even better


Rainbow Dash Presents from Dawn Somewhere on Youtube. Id recommend Bittersweet its a classic and good place to start. Also Dawn Somewhere also has the mentally advanced series which is just the frist season of mlp but handled in his own lore. I checked and you did do 2 episodes of Friendship is Witchcraft but the best episode is 9 Seed No Evil.

Palette XD

The Aj's parents ep Always makes me cry, it's so beautiful, top episode for sure!! And flawless is def my fav song in the show.

Reaper Scythe

Nothing emotionally fucks me up quite like an old man crying. This episode, man. Every. Damn. Time.


I am SO happy that you finally got to The Perfect Pear, I've been so excited for you to get to it! It's one of my all time favorite episodes of Mlp, Pear Butter and Bright Mac are amazing.. and the SONG! I LOVE IT. Such a great episode


And I loved your reaction ofc! Two likely theories about the deaths of Buttercup and Bright Mac are, that they were either eaten by Timber Wolves or something went wrong on the path that Applebloom went on on her own in earlier seasons when Applejack had to save her. Anyways, love the ep and loved your reaction!


And Fame and Misfortune, also a good episode, but "Flawless" OMG. Definitely among my top 5 in the show, I LOVE IT. I was also great to finally see your reaction to it with context, made me pretty happy, ngl.

Bunny Boo


Natasha Hightower

I think it’s time to watch the MLP movie


I was at BABSCon while this dropped so it's binge time


Finally ! You saw The Perfect Pear ! That episode is etched into my heart forever wwh ;u;

Thine Tiny Equine

If i recall it's either a farm flood (foreshadowed by the silo breaking) or Timberwolves (Everfree being nearby) that killed our lovely couple.


the saddest part of this for me is that because of grand pear’s resentment, he left his daughter and she passed away before he had the chance to ever apologise to her. he had to live the rest of his life knowing that what he said to her was the last thing he’d ever get to say, and that she died believing he hated the apples more than he loved her.

Ember Aura

As someone with bipolar disorder, I firmly believe that Rarity has bipolar disorder.


When you said that bright Mac had big max shape and Apple blooms colour he didn’t seem to notice he was wearing Apple Jack’s hat