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Yesterday I showed you the new "Daily Chooser", which will replace the old and troublesome Daily Planner.

Today I'm going to preview you the new "Clinic Chooser", the User Interface developed to let you wander around the clinic whenever you choose it as your daily activity.

In 008 you'll be able to access the Exam Room and Waiting Room only, but in future updates you'll get to access other rooms, given that you "buy" the equipment to fit them. When you do that the "locked doors" will be revealed with proper images to show the rooms' content.

St. Mary was once a big clinic, as Erika told you the first time you stepped in there, but now it suffers from lack of staff and funds. It's your job to open up new areas of it, including:

- Ob/Gyn
- Shower Room
- Psychiatry
- Staff Office
- Dermatology
- Your own office
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Pediatrics
- Radiology
- Pharmacy

Each room's purposes and functions will be explained as updates are released. The examination rooms will require to be staffed (i.e. Psychiatry by Dr. Borelli) and will become VERY important when the Random Examination Project will be implemented.

General Practitioner is growing more and more. I hope you'll have as much fun playing it as I'm having developing it!

Be safe and healthy!




sounds like a even sexier version than biing!