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Hi guys. Tomorrow I'll leave for a few days of holidays, I'll return next week, so forgive me if I'll be less present on the platform.

However while out I will still work at the next update and I hope I'll have a good internet connection where I'm going, but since I can't be 100% sure of it I ask you to forgive me if 0.0.5b will be out a couple of days late (I hope it won't but...)

See you soon, keep writing at me since I think I can read your mails and posts.

Be safe and healthy.



Jolly Dolly

Another thing do you plan to let this game to become a sandbox game. Because those kind of games are really the best. I think this game have potentiel to be one.

Jolly Dolly

I dont know if it have been fixed in the 0.5 version, but in the free version the days/calender gets screwed. Sundays end up being on a sunday, I think it happens when 1) the sister/cousin calls. And 2) it get more screwed when she come with her daugther. When spending time with the sister/cousin in the gym, the graphic switch between gym clothes and doctor clothes. Also I can "Hang Out" on sundays when the clinic is closed and yet I goes to the clinic and talk to Erika. That dont make any sence. Also is there a map or something of the "world". Another thing how are you suppose to recruit new staff or buy new equipment?

Bruni Multimedia

For the calendar part look at this fix I posted a few days after release: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/sorted-out-bug-13693237">https://www.patreon.com/posts/sorted-out-bug-13693237</a> For recruiting new staff that feature is in 005 and will present itself. There's still no "Map" of town, since the places are actually introduced by text only. It will be added of course in future updates but a release time for that is still not available.

Jolly Dolly

Big game where you can do more or less what you want, without having to follow a special history. Except for a few mainplot. Most games you have to follow a very tight story. The bigger the story/world the more fun it is to play the game.