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For a second I thought it wasn't coming! So glad it's here!


I guess this is the new time to expect Ben 10 Glad it’s finally here🔥🔥




And here starts the mystery Alien and animation errors


There was no mistake, they named dropped atomix one time and you guys thought that was way-big’s name🤣. Which tbh I get cuz they didn’t name him the first time you saw him in the second ben 10,000 episode.


but they should have learned it when Azmuth gave him the alien

Asad Khabir

Swampfire is absolutely the Four Arms of Alien Force. It's also probably Ben's most overloaded Alien. He has super-strenght, pyrokinesis, chlorokinesis, invulnerability, regeneration


Oh ik but my hopes on them noticing certain details goes away when Hman isn’t there to tell them what they missed.


Even tho he did literally say “ I’m not just big , I’m WayBig.” In the movie 💀.

Asad Khabir

Also Ruff if your theory is 'Max be fucking' then Ben would also be part Alien along with both his and Gwen's dads (I am neither confirming nor denying this theory)


The when Atomix shows up you must call him WayBig , seems only fair

Asad Khabir

Nah they need to explain the logistics of how Alan was concieved. His dad is from Heatblast's species. How did he not burn his mom alive? And if I know my biology, the dad's semen would absolutely roast Alan's mom from the inside. A living organism's semen is generally around the same temperature as the body. Maybe a few degrees lower.

Timothy Treco

As for the yellow setting question, Heatblast is already in the watch so Ben didn't absorb his DNA. It's just locked rn, meanwhile the werewolf and mummy were brand new aliens the watch didn't have any DNA for


Oh that's gonna drive some people up a fuckin wall, really lean into the bit, I'll find it hilarious


swampfire is so strong man


They still mistaking Atomix for Way Big, and now going even further and mistaking him for the 10th transformation. Bruh.

Kay M

its just a meme joke now they literally said in the video they know Waybig isnt actually called Atomix


ik they trolling but its like when someone pronounce naruto wrong it makes my body cringe 😭😭

Christopher Phillips

"It's America, what do you expect?"💀😹 Bloods know how it go


Funnily enough way big was name dropped by Kenny in that list of aliens he rattled off including Atomix

Ahan Shankwalkar

he was never called atomic yall just made that up lmao


Don't know if anybody cares but Alan is voiced by the english dub of Hawks in My Hero Academia, I think that was his first role, I could be wrong tho.

Will F

For the love of everything that is holy its Waybig not Atomix yall made that up please


No spoilers but Omniverse doesn’t use linear time. So expect a lot of phases of Ben’s life in that one, as you’ve correctly guessed at the end of the reaction.

Mitchell Fanning

There is no difference between Gwen’s magic and Charmcaster’s. Neither of them need books or charms to use magic. Charmcaster specified that Gwen could do magic because she had a magical aura, which isn’t something most people have.


Max be fucking all them Alien Cheeks !!!!!!!!!