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Hey everyone, here it is in full! Thank you so much for the support throughout the production of this video. I'm very sorry this one took so long. Although the research and script phase was quite long, it wasn't too bad. The real problem was the volume of animations I queued up for myself. It's just impossible to communicate points about how notation works without complex animations that require storyboarding and After Effects work. There were around 80 animations in this video.

I'm going to be coming back over the next few days to propose a few new directions / videos for the channel and I'd be very grateful for your feedback.

In the meantime, please enjoy!


Notation Must Die: The Battle For How We Read Music

Many people feel that western notation makes it unnecessarily hard to read music. If we want to sight read, learn music theory or just practice an instrument, surely there's a better way? Right? This has been a hot topic for almost 1000 years... AND I PUT IT TO BED RIGHT HERE! Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Tantacrul View my content on Nebula: https://go.nebula.tv/tantacrul Tweet my Twitteriness: https://twitter.com/Tantacrul Come visit our Discord: https://discord.gg/ttc-chat Subtitles by Pentameron ---------- CHAPTERS ---------- 00:00 - Setting the stage 09:26 - Notation must die INTRO! 15:12 - Ancient Greek notation 19:40 - The history of western notation 31:57 - Chromatic staves 36:15 - The piano roll 42:54 - Clefs (and resistance to change) 44:42 - Muto method 46:45 - Notation & the aristocracy 48:25 - Tablature 51:40 - Guitar Hero 52:51 - Klavarskribo 54:08 - Other types of keyboard notation 55:47 - Musitude! 1:01:18 - Dodeca 1:03:01 - Accessibility 1:04:31 - Farbige Noten 1:06:49 - Jullian Carrillo's system 1:08:26 - The best of the rest 1:11:52 - Where can we go from here? ---------- BIBIOGRAPHY ---------- BOOKS Julian Carrillo: Sistema General de Escritura Musical (Mexico City: Ediciones Sonidos 13, 1895) Charles Francis Abdy Williams: The Story of Notation (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903) https://archive.org/details/storynotation00willgoog/page/n28/mode/2up Willi Apel: The Notation of Polyphonic Music, 900-1600 (The Mediaeval Academy of America, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1953) https://archive.org/details/notationofpolyph1953apel/page/32/mode/2up Gardner Read: Source Book of Proposed Music Notation Reforms (Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1987) ARTICLES AND BLOGS Adémar de Chabannes, Carolingian Musical Practices, and Nota Romana - James Grier - Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 43-98. - University of California Press Musical Clefs and their Abolition, T. L. Southgate - The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular, Vol. 30, No. 559 (Sep. 1, 1889) https://www.jstor.org/stable/3360190?typeAccessWorkflow=login Cross eyed pianist on the topic of notation being ‘elitist’. https://crosseyedpianist.com/tag/elitism-in-music-education/ The Muto Method https://muto-method.com/en/score.html Proposed redesign of piano sheet music https://medium.com/alex-couch-s-portfolio/how-i-d-redesign-piano-sheet-music-355c4f9012f1 Musitude https://musitude.com/ The Modes of Ancient Greek Music https://www.gutenberg.org/files/40288/40288-h/40288-h.htm VIDEOS Reconstruction of Greek music, led by Professor Armand D'Angour https://youtu.be/4hOK7bU0S1Y Offertorium: Jubilate Deo universa terra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tw0Ny4Z4wD4&ab_channel=GradualeProject An introduction to mensural notation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1F2FSLakVA&ab_channel=EarlyMusicSources OTHER LINKS Daseian notation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daseian_notation Style similar to Nonantolian notation https://unipub.uni-graz.at/obvugrscript/content/pageview/5564611 Mensural notation wikipedia page (which is very good) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mensural_notation Database of high-res scans of early Christian music https://www.e-codices.unifr.ch/en/list/subproject/stgall_music Mensural notation scan: Missae partes decantari solitae: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus et Agnus Dei cum notis musicalibus https://search.onb.ac.at/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=ONB_alma21295855650003338&context=L&vid=ONB&lang=de_DE Mouth pictogram imagery by pch.vector https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/mouth-animation-set_9176068.htm#query=mouth%20speaking&position=0&from_view=keyword&track=ais


Thomas Keppler

Videos like this are why I love your work so much. Despite me needing free up an evening to watch it (which is worth it!) it's always put together in such a thoughtful way. Thank you!

Robert Weiss

Watched this from start-to-finish and was fascinated with the variety of serious and cuckoo ideas for representing music. I'm an amateur - a church choir guy - and I use Musescore to transcribe and to generate part tracks for rehearsal prep. As a retired programmer, I had a momentary rush when you showed how MuSc can present in any of several styles which are equivalent representations of the same musical intention. Just like Microsoft (for better or worse) created Foundation to support different application languages. Thanks for the time and depth you brought to this still-evolving art.