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Hello everyone,

So... that MIDI chord pack video was a nightmare to make. I'm glad the reception has been so good but I'm also VERY glad to see the back of it :)

So, what's next?

When I asked you to vote on my next video a few months ago, the results were... interesting. Initially, 'MIDI Chords' topped the poll (which prompted me to get started on it)... but was overtaken a week later by a different idea: a video where I take a critical look at the general debate around elitism in music.

With that in mind, I've spent the last week researching the broad topic of elitism (along with its sister topics: power, commercialism & musical identity) and I'm now reasonably confident that I can say something on the topic that already been said a hundred times. 

I actually think it has the potential to be a pretty funny video too.

If anyone knows of some good literature that (directly or indirectly) seems relevant, please post it in the comments, or DM me!


Apart from that, I am aware that there are a reasonable number of people who were not around to vote on my last poll, so I will most likely create a new next time around.

Updates to come soon!



There's a book called "Highbrow/Lowbrow: The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America" that you might want to read to get an international perspective on the topic. It has chapters on jazz and symphonic music.


about 15 year ago I bought a book called 'the secret power of music' by David Tame in Waterstones in Dublin which opened my eyes to how mainstream music theory is obsessed with western classical music as an ideal (adam neely's recent video is also a great resource).. basically the book calls jazz music 'tribal' and listening to it it will make you a rapist and the velvet underground prove that rock and roll = debauchery.. why .. because the music isn't pure the way the ancient greeks wanted it to be.. it's not hard to see where Ben Shapiro gets his 'musicoligists' perspective from.. music has been tied in with religious thinking for a long time (I'm looking at you greatful dead.. damn hippies)