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Hello everyone. Managed to get my kid in and out of the hospital without any particular drama (place is so quiet... it's bizarre). All clear. No issues that we can see.

So anyway, I've been mulling about my channel for some time and from looking around at most other creators out there, I'm realising that my 'per video' model makes absolutely no sense for me, if the aim is to fund my channel, so I'm planning on moving to a 'per month' model. I'll flip this on after the beginning of May, so you won't get charged again until June. It also gives everyone time to consider their options. Obviously I hope you stay... but since you joined under one system - and I'm now changing that system - I understand if you want to say 'goodbye'. I still appreciate your patronage and always will!

To explain: the Dorico video was not meant to take so long - it just ballooned in size as it got created. In terms of actual editing minutes, this is around five videos worth of material and the number of hours I put in were between 30-40 per week, for 6 months (with a really big push during the final three weeks). Now, this video is too big. No question about that. However, they do sometimes take a while and because I can't release every month (until I'm properly full time - potentially with the aid of someone to help me produce), I continuously lose money as the months drag on. Regarding this last video, I've put myself in a position where I earned 1 month's money for 6 months work. Yes, I was pretty dumb when I set this up.

Just so you know - I have three collaborations coming up. One of them is going to be the subject of my next video, which is going to be a much more sober 10-15 minutes. I'm really excited to tell you about it because it's completely out of left field... and has the potential to be completely nuts. I'll wait a few days until everything is finalised before telling you about it.

And don't worry. I haven't forgotten about that Q&A. I'll get on that over the weekend now that I'm finally.... gloriously free of Dorico!

Thanks a lot :)



Warren Garabrandt

I actually prefer per month instead of per video. It makes it easier to budget.

Jude Loveless

I'm more than happy to stick around on a monthly system :)


Whatever it takes to keep you producing...


Glad to hear everything is OK. I also think that it makes more sense even on our side to do it monthly. I trust you are not going to sacrifice quality over quantity, so this change will be for the better


i initially thought that the patreon support would be per month! i think this is completely fair.


i'm in for monthly support!

Benjamin Tayehanpour

We all know how the quality ended up being in those paid-by-the-word serials in newspapers back in the day. If switching over to monthly makes you feel less pressured to push out content merely for the sake of pushing out content, I'm all for it.


Glad to hear that it turned out fine! I'm for a monthly sub if that's what's needed to take pressure out and keep the great quality of your content

Brian Miller

No problem! If you started publishing as many videos as Adam Neely or Rick Beato, that would definitely strain the budget.


Nah. The weekly thing isn't for me. Well - I guess with monthly, I can make as many as I want and it will always be the same price?


I'm up for monthly support too.


I can only hope one of your upcoming collaborations is a performance of Text Editor '83


Of course I'm gonna stay! But in order for me to be able to do that, please tick the tickbox that allows me to turn on the switch that enables the button to stay a patron.


I'm in!

The Doom Merchant

Monthly is definitely the majority, and it seems to make the most sense for creators [such as yourself] who don't release videos on a super regular basis because they take so long to make. I was actually surprised when I signed up that you were per-video. Glad to see the change, and of course I'll stick around.


Absulutely fine and understandable

Erin Kyan

Thank goodness!! I actually thought I was supporting per month when I signed up, lol. Very happy to see you move to monthly support.


I totally support you going monthly!

Jeffrey Theobald

I just joined and am ashamed I didn't join sooner. The quality and detail you put into your videos is definitely worth it, so go for it!


I'm in!


Honestly surprised you were monthly sooner. Kind of felt being subscribed and seeing your posts.... and not paying for it LOL

Pauls Svalbe

Any idea what your tiers will look like as a monthly subscription? I'd think you could double the amount each tier to be more fair to yourself and the work you put into your content, although keeping the same tiers, but per month, encourages more viewers to support you. Ultimately looking forward to supporting your content either way.


I'm not 100% sure I understand your recommendation. When you say 'double the amount', what is it you think I should do?

Pauls Svalbe

The tiers show up for me in USD, but I was thinking $1/video becomes $2/month, $3/video becomes $6/month, etc. Although now that I think about it, shifting the tiers over so your lowest tier is $3/m, then $7/m, etc. might make more sense. I hope I'm not overstepping.

Micaela Puls

Joined after the switch; completely for the monthly model, you just do you, however long it takes. I'm happy to pay monthly so that you have time to release your creativity in larger projects like the Dorico Video. That was the funniest thing I had seen in ages and what finally made me get a patreon account and support you. It was so great, I wanted to put my money towards getting more things like thst into the world.

Micaela Puls

Really liked the corporate music one as well!