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Hi!!! I was in a spooky mood for Halloween so I made this lil improv! It's definitely creepy but I dooo think it gets hot — hopefully you do, too. I wanted to enter this audio into the GWA Halloween contest but they only let me enter one category :( so, I wanted to share it here with ya'll first. I'll be posting this on GWA in the next couple weeks. Check out the tags below so you can make sure it's stuff you're comfy with. 

As always, this is a 100% fictional/fantasy audio, made by adults and for adults. Please enjoy and let me know how you like it in the comments :) 

xx Elle




Fantastic audio, Elle! It perfectly rides the line between spooky and sexy 😍 The subtle change in the sound when the listener pauses is so good too, definitely adds to the twist. I'd love to listen to more crazy audios like this! You took a great fantasy concept and performed it perfectly as your own thing. Thanks for posting <3


Thank you so much, Niky!!! You seriously made my day with this comment. I love hearing from ya'll! xx :)


I think I would legit be okay with this if it happened to me, or at least for the few minutes during. Like, oh neat, she’s into me


Honestly, with my current relationship , I’d happily take a Yandere stalker over my wife…