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It's that time again my friends!  Post your questions as replies to this post, and I'll answer them in the next Rumblings podcast!  (And those of you who don't get the podcast, you are always free to message me, and I'll answer your questions directly!)

In conclusion...Happy Easter!  I distrust the Easter Bunny instinctively and will probably insist he take a loyalty oath once Doomcock Day comes or be destroyed (along with Santa Claus and that tooth entity), but in the meantime, enjoy the eggs and candy and whatnot!



when the planet is yours, will we (your humble servants) get paid time off to crush our enemies, see them driven before us and hear the lamentations of the women?


oh and i enjoyed the shedding of the(verbal) blood last time. i never knew the Ban Hammer could be wielded so savagely.


So how’s that theme parody I did coming along?


What film does Doomcock consider to be the most underrated film that you are surprised you have to keep defending?


What is Doomcock's favorite scotch and with what actor living or dead would he like to share a glass? Do you take your scotch with a little water or neat? We already know you like ice cubes or are you into those stones you put in the freezer? I also distrust many of those Holiday creatures. I was into Mr. Hankey, have a really cute plush toy, and used to set up a crèche with Mr. Hankey as the baby Jesus and Stan, Kyle, and Cartman as themselves. The three wise men were bearing gifts of fiber cereal. It was delightfully blasphemous, but we kept it out of sight of any Christians at Christmastime. Mary was staring adoringly at little Mr. Hankey with his beatific smile. Classic.


i'm 15 mins in on your "GB" commentary and i'm soooo glad to know you came thru it alive. you can hear the urge to commit suicide in your voice. please. never, ever watch that again. i don't want to have to go to your funeral.


would you consider watching a reboot of this reboot if they used hot porn lesbos who could actually act?


What is your favorite funny horror movie? Do you prefer Return of the Living Dead or Dead Alive?


When traverseing the surface world what car personifies Doomcock? Do you prefer to drive yourself or use a chauffeur or one of your robots? Also what character would you say best personifies Doomcock, is it General Tralene or Kavler Garth von Izar?


Mighty Doomcock, I love the original George Pal "War of the Worlds". The manta shaped copper colored Martian war machine was a thing of beauty, the hissing sounds it produced gave me chills. What is your opinion of that abomination of a remake with Tom Cruze?


Who would be a bigger threat to Doomcock and his plans to conquer the earth, Nomad or the Daleks? After seeing Ghostbusters 2016, how would you convince Nomad not to destroy earth


What is your favorite cult classic movie?


Great question! Thanks Viking Bitch...also, I haven't heard back from Gary at Nerdrotic...I know he was under the weather, so I'm not surprised, but I sent him an email today just letting him know I was still standing by, so hopefully I'll hear back soon. Also, I finished Happy! AND finished Counterpart today! I'll talk about them in the Rumblings...thanks for the suggestions, I really enjoyed them!


I REALLY dig the War of the Worlds ships! Fantastic design, a true classic and one of my favorites! Thanks for the question!


Man, I barely survived...I was getting bitter and angry, it was so bad...it's like the memory of a traumatic injury! But truthfully, I'm very happy you guys, uh, "encouraged me" to do it...I survived, and got a fun review out of it!


Worthy questions all, oh Travel Zealot! I thank you...they shall be answered!


Given that we seem to be seeing quite a few villains or supervillains being reinvented as "tragically, misunderstood heroes" (sorta), such as the Infamous Iron Man (Doctor Doom), or the Superior Spider-Man (Doc Ock in Spidey's body), or heck Lex Luthor and Darkseid joining the Justice League, do you think this is a "zeitgeist" of this age? I'm all for re-imagining, or reinterpreting characters, but isn't it dangerous to make "bad guys" really misunderstood "good guys" from a certain point of view? Your thoughts as always are both welcomed and sought after. :D


I actually really truly enjoyed the Twilight movie series. Does that make me a bad person? Do I still get to be a Legionnaire?


Ok, another question. When you take over will you legalize it for good in all states? Do you feel there are genuine benefits to marijuana or do you think its harmful? (I may have weed on the brain in anticipation of an upcoming trip to Colorado, but I won't confirm it 😁)


Have you seen the latest season of A Series of Unfortunate Events? What did you think of it? :)


I'll have a question next week...I am cautious and meek with any demanding thought of our Overlord. But I think I have one that deserves very serious consideration.