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The end of a month and start of a new one!

I don't want to keep sounding like a broken record, but I mean wholeheartedly when I give everyone my thanks for supporting and trying out my stuff. I'm here to entertain and improve my creative skills, so getting engagement and support in return is something beyond belief for me, especially where I am right now in terms of such a busy workload.

Cow Clicker will remain my priority for the time being as I continue to develop the core of the game and other important mechanics. It still has a ways to go, but I'm extremely happy to say that it is definitely something beginning to stand on its own two feet.

My plans are to keep things kinky and fun, and hopefully scratch everyone's itch here and there with what we're all excited to see and experience!

Thinking long term, beyond Cow Clicker once it has reached a good place that doesn't require high priority development time, I will start considering other projects (primarily games) for you all to enjoy! If I'm thinking out loud, I'll preface by saying that I'm a bit of a metroidvania and rougelike fan of games, so I think it could be super fun to try and tackle either one of those genres. Down the line and just a spec on the horizon at the moment, so stay tuned and please continue to enjoy and share feedback and thoughts on what there already is!

Once again, thank you all for making this such an exciting January and here's to an even better February!

And also, of course, THANK YOU TO ALL MY PATRONS!

  • C.S. Fox
  • snazzyvcool
  • BlackRazor
  • ThatUnluckyLuck
  • yuri19911
  • BhevHD
  • Uwigi
  • Kitsunelord1994
  • Ignatio Mobius
  • Darkoften
  • Pazgabear
  • Hyuk Hyuk
  • Slippery
  • Daruxus
  • Gary Brown
  • MarkAurel
  • Sandman
  • Deedrix
  • Rasmus Lundvig
  • Jlim Sim


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