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Our newest chapter has started up and I hope your excited to see whats next~ Happy Brightshore day everyone~




Honestly as tempting as it is to assume Chelsea may have very well brought Byland here. It's pretty silly to think that, Byland basically owns the town, who says he needs to be called in order to know about them? Could've simply been a dockworker called him or passed information up the chain of command to him.

Magenta Gray

I was just speaking about this with some folks on discord. As much as I would love the idea of Chelsea’s betrayal of bringing Byland to the harbor, it pretty much goes against her character. Even if we made the argument of she contacted him in her drunken stupor, how’d she get his number or email? The likely scenario is he was probably tipped off by either Kandi or Starr. If not that, then yeah more than likely someone from dock the relayed that information. Plus, Chels strikes me as a reserved but neurotic individual, so it might explain her anxious look and behavior.


They were doing so well! Either Byland has teleportation magic, or someone rat em out. $5 it was Kandy!