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Ive got the final page of this mini comic I did of Emie becoming a little sexy assitant~ I hope you enjoyed how things went~




As an aside, you may need to nudge Kobi's iris on her left eye a bit to the right on the last panel, there. Her eye view is drifting off and is not exactly looking purely at the viewer, to put it. Besides that, no other issues with this one!

Alexis Ortiz

Best like magic trick EVA! 😍 and super ready for Kobis next magic trick 😊


Nothing will ever beat the vacant look in the eyes of one freshly mind-wiped


“For my next trick, I’m gonna make her orgasm 100 times in a row!”


Jeje could be turn she into a small scale doll, undress she and back to normal jeje or cosplay she , cute new portable assistant