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And here we are! the finale for Chapter 2!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the work i put in, But I also hope you enjoy Chapter 3! And look forward to whats to come! thank you all for all the support on this project! ^^




Well like mother like daughter. Curious to see what happens next and who will lead the resistance now!

Bennett Billard

With their changing physiques, Bernice and Candy may need to go shopping for a new wardrobe. Or the transformation can give them said outfits. Whichever comes first.

Stan Verox

Damn, I knew this man Byland was gonna just let them go. He knows they can’t do anything to him, and enjoys playing this game. What? You think they can call the police on him? Chances are, he’s got a hold of them too.


I get the sense there's a grand destiny in store for Bernice.

Juan Lopez

Bernice is sad! Kobi, Byland has to lose in the end right?

Bennett Billard

Perfect time releasing this on the same day as the Greta Gerwig Barbie movie teaser.


Perhaps in the end, Byland gets turned into a bimbo?


On the one hand, I feel bad for Bernice. On the other, Sara turned out smoking hot!!! I hope Byland gets his comeuppance for this, but I am really enjoying the story right now!

Emmitt Cleveland

So next page is the Chapter 3 cover with a pin up of Starr correct?


Great end to Chapter 2 and onwards to chapter 3 featuring Super spy chelsea and her sidekick sadie!


Love this project 😍