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Today is another Tf try out, Was presented with an idea for being stuck in a poster with some advertisment type stuff on it. And gave it a try~ I think it could certainly have potential like many other ideas ^^  I hope you like how things turned out~



Ruby Doll

Would definitely put her on my wall~


i want to try out


Slingshot bikinis are so amazing. Kobi looks great!


Love this kind of thing~


Love it!

(R)Owen(a) Hero

When I did this theme, I put fine print on the bottom of the poster explaining the victim's situation. Made it absolutely clear what was happening and why. Great though.


Damn boss... having you on a poster like that around the labs is bound to be good for morale. Then again most people in sling bikinis usually are.


I didnt want to much tect on it but for sure I think that could be a fun way to go about it~ ^^


Hehehe! So sexy and cute~ Now imagine that when you put one of those posters in a room it corrupted the room to fit it's theme and the people inside~