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So its very simple Ive put my prices up in the picture so you have an idea for pricing for any idea you may be thinking about.

How this is going to work is anybody thats a patron can submitt up to two commission order ideas to this board for free and the board  will be closed on the 7th so I dont miss any extras added after that.

I'll be looking over the submisions throughout the month for orders I wanna take on~

Post your commissions in the comments down below if you dont want to post your ideas in the open I understand and you can DM me the order for review just make sure you tell me such in the comments so your at least on the board.

Payment will be done through Paypal or can also be done through Patreon itself if you prefer or dont have a Paypal.

Feel free to DM me with any question concerning this commission board.

Also feel free to copy paste your ideas from previous boards, Just because I didnt take on your idea dosent mean its a bad I get quite busy. I just update the board each month for convienence.

Have a great day~




Rozy is on babysitting duty as Elena has accidentally had one of the puffy bun burgers. Elena is pouting. Out of all the people who could have babysat her, it had to be the clown.


Or a clowny makeover by Kobi-Chan's experiments!


"Bimbo photo booth" commission that was 3 steps with the middle panel filled - with Adult Naegi and Kirigiri from danganronpa https://shipping.fandom.com/wiki/Naegiri, but I have other choices if you are not feeling them) and that they should become trophy wives - like from this post. (https://www.patreon.com/Kobi94/posts?filters[search_query]=trophy) We should be able to see them from the knees up (I love big boobs, but I got to see those swelled out hips) and I am a huge fan of the hair from that original trophy wife post and the blond haired woman in the bottem left corner of bright shore page 1 - please give them those blond, gorgeous hairstyle and eyeshadow. The only other idea I have is a very loose idea of expanding this picture: https://www.deviantart.com/kobi-tfs/art/TG-machine-909972729. One character before entering the machine and another tg'ed woman after.


I'd like to get a colored upgrade for this old request of a bimbo maid Lisbeth from SAO: https://www.deviantart.com/tfcandy/art/Kobi-Tfs-Bimbo-Maid-Lisbeth-852466178


Letting you know i will DM you my order.


I will send a message


DM sent on Patreon


I'll send my DM on Discord


I’d quite like to see myself as one of Sussie’s new workers, with a couple of extra features