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next work update, but I am planning to add a bit more dialouge for the finished page that I hope you find fun just to add a bit more to the page~ ^^ Also thank you for all the comments and love on my work updates. ^^



Justin Kinninger

As I said before it looks like a lose-lose situation.


Now, i already said my initial thoughts on this week’s page from yesterday, but today, i’ll add in a bit more by saying that much like the way Bibi smiles so vapidly from her full body shot to her close up shot back from the very first page of this chapter, there’s just something that’s so much of a mixture of both creepy and cute, with the way that Barbie even smiles so vapidly, as her eyes are all wide open, but nothing’s really going on behind that new vacuous gaze of hers, as it really feels like the Book’s magic is just about stripping away everything of the former’s old life, which is all in of the absolute favor to truly change them into becoming like a totally real Bimbo Barbie Doll.