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Looking at the information displayed on the screen, Charles quickly scanned through it. The first thing he checked was the presence of Ninja Scrolls.

Out of the ten chests, he was thrilled to find two Ninja Recruitment Scrolls, and a total of four Ninja fragments, including two B-grade and two C-grade.

"This is fantastic!"

"It seems that self-blessing is more effective than seeking blessings from others!"

After opening the premium chests, Charles shifted his focus to the regular ones. With a total of 106 chests, he expected to acquire some good items.

Muttering to herself, Charles exclaimed, "Open ten regular chests in a row!" x10

Charles proceeded to open a hundred regular chests in one go. The chest-opening interface scrolled through ten pages before finally concluding.

After tallying up all the results, he realized that he had obtained twelve Ninja Recruitment Scrolls, 100,000 copper coins, 1080 gold coins, 1800 reputation points, and twenty C-rank Ninja fragments.

Among the C-rank Ninja fragments, he received 4 fragments of Nara Shikamaru, 5 fragments of Yamanaka Ino, 4 fragments of Akimichi Chōji, 5 fragments of Temari, and 2 fragments of Tenten.

Satisfied with his harvest, Charles was still a bit short of the ten fragments needed to recruit the Ino-Shika-Cho trio.

However, he was not far from success, and he was particularly pleased with the gains in gold coins and recruitment scrolls.

Having opened 110 chests, although his strength did not directly increase, he had replenished a considerable amount of resources. Charles then turned his attention to the Ninjutsu Scrolls.

With 48 Ninjutsu Scrolls, he had enough for four ten-consecutive openings.

However, he wondered how many new Ninjutsu techniques he could unlock. Without hesitation, Charles opened the Ninjutsu Scrolls.

"Ten consecutive openings of Ninjutsu Scrolls!"

Ding! Congratulations on obtaining Wind Release: Rupture Technique fragments (2)!

Ding! Congratulations on obtaining Lightning Release: Lightning Bolt Technique fragments (1)!

Ding! Congratulations on obtaining Earth Release: Earthquake Technique fragments (1)!

Ding! Congratulations on obtaining Lightning Release: Earthbound Technique fragments (1)!

Ding! Congratulations on obtaining Summoning Art: Shuriken Boomerang Technique fragments (1)!

Ding! Congratulations on obtaining Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique fragments (1)!

Ding! Congratulations on obtaining Earth Release: Rockfall Technique fragments (2)!

Ding! Congratulations on obtaining Earth Release: Earthquake Technique fragments (1)!

Ding! Congratulations on obtaining Earth Release: Mud Flow Spear Technique fragments (1)!

Ding! Congratulations on obtaining Summoning Art: Shuriken defense Technique fragments (1)!

After ten consecutive openings, Charles discovered that there was a prevalence of Earth Release Ninjutsu, but none had reached the standard for learning new techniques.

He decided to continue opening Ninjutsu Scrolls.

The remaining thirty scrolls were opened in one go, resulting in two fragments of Ice Release: Frozen Snow Technique, three fragments of Lightning Release: Earthbound Technique, two fragments of Lightning Release: Lightning Bolt Technique, one fragment of Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique, three fragments of Water Release: Water Clone Jutsu, and one fragment of Water Release: Water Gushing Wave Technique.

As for Earth Release: Earthquake Ninjutsu Fragment (1) once, Earth Release: Rockfall Ninjutsu Fragment (1) once, Earth Release: Earth Flow Spear Ninjutsu Fragment (1) twice.

Wind Release: Severing Air Wave Ninjutsu Fragment (1) twice, Fire Release: Ghost Lantern Ninjutsu Fragment (1) twice.

For Summoning: Shuriken defense Ninjutsu Fragment (2) once, Summoning: Boomerang Shuriken Ninjutsu Fragment (1) once, Summoning: Lightning Sword Transformation Ninjutsu Fragment (1) twice, Illusionary Art: False Place Ninjutsu Fragment (1) once, and Illusionary Art: Technique of Darkness Ninjutsu Fragment (1) once.

The 40 Ninjutsu Fragments obtained from the 40 Secret Ninjutsu Scrolls made Charles realize he had several new ninjutsu techniques he could learn. The only regret was that more powerful techniques like Space-Time Ninjutsu didn't appear.

After organizing everything, Charles clicked on his Secret Scroll. The screen displayed learnable ninjutsu:

  1. Lightning Release: Earth Travel
  2. Fire Release: Ghost Lantern
  3. Earth Release: Falling Rocks
  4. Earth Release: Earth Flow Spear
  5. Earth Release: Earth Jet Gun
  6. Water Release: Aquatic Erosion

Charles then clicked to learn all of them.

  1. Lightning Release: Earth Travel,  Level 1: Sends out a close-to-the-ground and extending lightning beam forward. When used with Water Release, the power is enhanced. (The higher the ninjutsu level, the stronger the effect, and the larger the range.)
  2. Fire Release: Ghost Lantern, Level 1: By forming the "Tiger" seal, the user can manifest countless flame balls around them. The flames then attacks the target.
  3. Earth Release: Falling Rocks, Level 1: Rapidly drops a rock from the sky to strike the enemy.
  4. Earth Release: Earth Flow Spear, Level 1: Creates a line of spears from the ground that explode after reaching the target. This is a tracking-type Earth Release.
  5. Earth Release: Earth Jet Gun,  Level 1: Generates stone spears on the ground, forming a lance to attack the enemy.
  6. Water Release: Aquatic Erosion, Level 1: Spews out water with extremely high viscosity mixed with chakra.  Enemies entering this area will be immobilized.

Having learned six nature transformation ninjutsu techniques, including Lightning, Earth, and Water, Charles enhanced the diversity of his ninjutsu.

After completing everything, Charles closed the Ninjutsu Scroll, checked the limited-edition ninjas, which indicated an upcoming update in three days, and then entered the training ground to experience the power of the newly learned ninjutsus.

While Charles was practicing ninjutsu, Barton, who had been injected with the strength-enhancing serum, had fully absorbed its effects.

With a single forceful movement, Barton shattered the medical bandages around his wrists, and his arms were immediately liberated. He then proceeded to remove the bandages around his legs, pulling out the medical instruments inserted into his body.

Seeing the visibly stronger Barton, Nick Fury, who was present, spoke, "How do you feel?"

Barton swung his arms, creating a whooshing sound of fist wind.

"Director, it's amazing!"

"I feel like I'm filled with strength at this moment. I could easily defeat the previous ten versions of myself."

Seeing Barton eager to try out his newfound strength, Nick Fury said, "Go for the physical fitness test to determine strength, speed, and endurance."

"While you're at it, undergo a full-body check up to see if there are any changes or issues."

"Yes, Director!"

With the confirmation, Barton proceeded to undergo physical fitness testing and a body check, while Nick Fury left the laboratory and returned to his office.

Nick Fury would have to wait for Barton's test results before deciding how to proceed based on the outcomes.


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