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Thor had just tried to get up when the ground beneath him suddenly turned into quicksand, rendering him unable to exert any strength. Instead, his movements caused him to sink further down.


Seeing this result, Thor didn't panic but extended his right hand, intending to summon back his Hammer.


As he made this motion, Mjolnir seemed to possess its own intelligence, flying directly from the ground towards Thor. Along the way, a Mountain Giant attempted to block its path but was smashed into pieces by Mjolnir on the spot.


As Thor obtained the Hammer, a smile appeared on his face. With a raise of the hammer above his head, he immediately pulled himself out of the quicksand and flew into the sky.


Seeing Thor break free from the quicksand, the Mountain Giant leader stopped his attacks and raised his hands from the ground.


"Thor, you can't escape today."


To this, Thor simply chuckled and replied, "I never intended to."


With that, Thor raised the Hammer and charged towards the Mountain Giant leader. However, the leader waved his hand, sending numerous earth spears flying towards Thor.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"


Each earth spear was shattered by Mjolnir, and the opponent's attacks didn't hinder Thor in the slightest.




Thor flew up to the opponent and struck him with the Hammer.




With immense force, the Hammer of Thor sent the Mountain Giant leader flying.


However, when he crashed to the ground, his injuries quickly healed, thanks to the Heart of the Earth’s ability, which continuously restored his strength and enhanced his power while standing on the ground.


Meanwhile, the foot Soldiers of the Mountain Giants wasted no time and immediately launched attacks against Thor. Some with ranged abilities summoned earth spears and caused ground fissures to attack.


In an instant, Thor found himself once again surrounded and besieged.





On the other side-


A Frost Giant leader approached Charles. Upon arriving in front of him, he asked, "Who are you, and why are you helping Asgard?"


Charles glanced at him with indifference and replied, "Supreme Merlin—Charles Doyle!"


"Icester, your killer."





As Charles's responded, Farbauti and Yodon, who were observing at the gate of the court, also heard this title.


Yodon pondered for a moment and muttered, "Is he the descendant of that Merlin guy?"


However, Farbauti interjected, "I heard that old man Merlin has long left. Whether it's his descendant or not, if they stand in our way, they'll die just the same."


Yodon recalled the individual with the staff as he looked down at Charles.


"I'd like to see how much of Merlin's skills he inherited, daring to intervene in the war between Asgard and the Nine Realms."





Ignoring Icester's arrogance, Charles formed hand seals.


"Wood Release: Wood Clone Technique!"


In the next moment, Charles's figure split into two.


Charles looked at his wood clone and said, "I'll leave the surrounding foot soldiers to you."


The wood clone glanced at the approaching army of Frost Giants without any fear and immediately formed hand seals.


"Summoning Jutsu: Aoda!"


"Summoning Jutsu: Gamakichi!"


"Summoning Jutsu: Ninja Tortoise!"


"Summoning Jutsu: Kamtari!"


Charles's wooden clone began using summoning jutsu non-stop.


A hundred-meter-long blue snake, a thirty-six-meter-high toad, and others were summoned one after another.


With the arrival of the four summoned creatures, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield changed drastically, mainly due to the immense size of the blue snake and the toad.


Observing this scene, Charles pondered for a moment before forming hand seals once more, channeling a significant amount of chakra.


"Summoning Jutsu: Katsuyu!"


With a vast amount of chakra poured into the summoning jutsu, a slug towering three hundred meters high was summoned by Charles.


Summoning the slug alone consumed a significant portion of Charles's chakra reserves. But even then, only a small part of the slug appeared, rather than its full size.




With the arrival of the slug, numerous Frost Giants were crushed to death beneath it, while other summoned creatures also swiftly eliminated nearby Frost Giants.


"Lord Charles!"


With all summoning creatures summoned except for the ninja dogs, the towering forms of the Frost Giants became insignificant in front of these three enormous summoning creatures.


"Everyone, I entrust this battle to you," Charles instructed.


Upon hearing Charles's command, all summoning creatures immediately plunged into the battle.


"Toad Short Blade Slash!"


"Slug Acid Spray!"


"Blue Snake Dance!"


"Earth Release: Earth Flow Wall!"


"Kamatari Flying Blade!"


The five summoning creatures chose three different directions on the battlefield. The ninja tortoise and Aoda were responsible for one direction, while the Kamatari and Gamakichi were responsible for another direction.


Katsuyu took charge of a direction alone.


Each summoning creature unleashed its own specialty, with Katsuyu's attacks being the most terrifying.


A massive amount of acid was sprayed, spreading 500 meters in the direction in front of it. The Frost Giants on the ground were instantly dissolved upon contact with the acid, clearing out a large area of enemies in an instant.


Gamakichi didn't hold back either. With its thirty-six-meter size, every jump caused the ground to tremble.


Its giant blade swept across, killing Frost Giants within a dozen meters with each swing. Meanwhile, the Kamatari leaped into the air, attacking the enemies below with numerous flying sickles.


As for Aoda, its colossal body burrowed into the ground, causing the earth to upheave and tremble. Occasionally, terrifying snake tails emerged from below, smashing Frost Giants on the spot.


Simultaneously, the snake released its venom, creating a green poisonous mist within a hundred meters of the battlefield. Frost Giants who inhaled this venom immediately fell to the ground, clutching their necks, and within a few seconds, they collapsed, lifeless.


While witnessing the drastic change in the battlefield, Icester immediately cried out in agony, "Charles!"


In response to Icester's roar, Charles unleashed a Lava Release: Red Ball and hurled it towards him.


Icester leaped to evade Charles's attack and immediately shouted, "Come and help me quickly! Deal with those beasts!"


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