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Seeing Thor full of enthusiasm, Charles was also confident about the upcoming action.

"Let's adjust our state first. Once we're ready, we can set off."


After nodding in agreement, Thor sat down on the ground to continue restoring his divine power, while Charles re-entered the system space.

Opening his backpack, Charles found a ninja card with a question mark on the front and an A on the back. It was still unused.

Looking at this random experience card, Charles knew it was one of his trump cards. And now was the time to use it.

He needed to determine who would assist him, as all A-rank ninjas had significant differences in abilities.

"Activate A-rank random experience card!"

With Charles's will entering the system space, the A-rank random experience card in his storage bag flew out and appeared in the sky above Konoha Village.

As the card ascended, countless A-rank ninjas appeared one after another, laid out in front of Charles. With just one glance, he recognized many powerful ninjas.

A-rank Ninjas: Might Guy, Asuma Sarutobi, Kankuro, Gaara, Tobirama Senju, Sasori, Itachi Uchiha, Deidara, Hidan, Sage Mode Naruto Uzumaki, Nine-Tails Chakra Mode Naruto Uzumaki, Kiba Inuzuka, Aoi Rokusho, Haku, Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha, Izuna Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Choji Akimichi, Rock Lee, Young Minato Namikaze, Young Madara Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Might Guy, Killer Bee, Mei Terumi, and Hokage Minato Namikaze, among many others.

These ninja cards spun rapidly. Even with Charles's dynamic vision of the Sharingan, he couldn't keep up. However, as the cards slowed down, they finally stopped at a ninja card that Charles never expected to see.

Ding! Obtained five-star A-rank ninja – Young Uchiha Madara – 24-hour experience card!

Staring at the ninja card in front of him, Charles was momentarily stunned. It was another ninja card he had never seen before.

In the mobile game he played before transmigrating, there was no mention of a young Uchiha Madara. Even the Six Paths Madara didn't exist in the game. There were only Edo Tensei Madara and Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

But since it was Uchiha Madara, Charles was confident. "Farbauti and Yodon are no match for him!"

After experiencing the power of the five-star Tobirama Senju, Charles understood the terror of a five-star Uchiha Madara. Although he was a young Madara, he was still the 'Madara'.

The only regret was that it wasn't the S-rank Uchiha Madara or the Edo Tensei Madara, but just an A-rank ninja.

However, regardless of which period Madara Uchiha it was, with his five-star super Kage power, Susano'o could easily cut through anything once unleashed.

Charles immediately made his selection.

On a battlefield, the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan were locked in a difficult and indecisive battle.

Uchiha Madara wore a tight black combat suit with red layered armor on the outside, with the Uchiha clan fan emblem on his back. Suddenly, with a loud roar, his deep blue Susano'o immediately emerged. From the first stage to the third stage, he wielded two weapons.

"Senju Hashirama, feel the ultimate power of the Uchiha clan!"

Watching the image appear before him, Charles sighed: Unfortunately, Madara hasn't activated the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan yet.

He clicked on the ninja card to learn about the abilities of Young Madara Uchiha.

Basic attack: Pushes enemies with taijutsu and attacks with Susano'o arms.

Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame: Spits out a large sea-like flame forward, covering a wide range.

Susano'o: Second Form: Manifests a half-body Susano'o to attack opponents.

Susano'o: Third Form: Manifests a Susano'o the size of a small mountain, using weapons in both hands to attack enemies.

Looking at Madara Uchiha's abilities, it's clear that each stage of Susano'o is featured, but there are no separate Mangekyou Sharingan abilities.

Perhaps his Mangekyou abilities are indeed an all-around enhancement type of skill, as speculated by many.

Considering the timeline of the war with the Senju clan and the appearance of the third-stage Susano'o, it seems that Madara Uchiha hasn't obtained the Eternal Mangekyou yet.

Since there's no mention of the armor-clad Susano'o or the fourth-stage complete-body Susano'o in the skills, Charles concludes that at this point, Madara Uchiha has only activated the Mangekyou Sharingan, and his brother Izuna should still be alive.

After confirming this, Charles exited the system space, waiting for Thor to adjust everything before launching the final battle against Jötunheimr.

New York-

Lance Hunter and Pakura had already arrived at Airport.

As they got off the plane, Lance Hunter said, "Miss Pakura, I still have some work to do, so I won't be personally escorting you."

"I've arranged for a colleague who will take you directly to the Sand Puppet Shop!"

Lance Hunter pointed to a nearby Mercedes S300, indicating that this car would take her to her destination.

"Thank you for your arrangement."

"You go and handle your own work."

After expressing her gratitude, Pakura directly boarded the car. Soon, the driver started the vehicle and headed towards the Sand Puppet Shop in Brooklyn.

Watching Pakura leave after boarding the car, Lance Hunter put away the smile on his face. At this moment, one of the agents beside him asked, "Sir, why didn't you personally escort her to deepen her impression?"

Lance Hunter shook his head. "It's not necessary. We've already communicated on the plane."

"Moreover, escorting her won't necessarily improve our relationship much, and we also have our own work to handle."

"Get in the car and return to headquarters."

"Yes, Sir!"

Lance Hunter got into the Cadillac parked nearby, and then the car started, heading towards the Triskelion Building.

Meanwhile, Kabuto had already absorbed all the information Charles had given him during this time, and he had also understood some basic knowledge about this world.

Kabuto pushed his glasses with his finger and a white light flashed. "It seems I need to devise a plan to appear in front of S.H.I.E.L.D."


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