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How about that new Patreon Logo, eh? I don't get why companies keep getting rid of recognizable logos for meaningless white shape on black black background.

Upcoming Projects
Guh where do I even begin... I've got two larger projects cooking right now. Those with access to WIPs have seen the recent Dead Estate parody I've been working on. Hoping to get that squared away by next week though I do need to sort out some VAs for it. Other than that I've been slowly working the 2Bx9S animation too. Got some of the storyboarding done earlier, but that'll likely be next.

Commission Stuff
Commissions are officially OPEN again! Finally took the time to get stuff sorted out and with the current upload schedule for animations I should be able to manage both as long as I make sure I manage my time. Patrons have been on a little bit of a decline recently which has been a bit of a feels bad, but I've always made it a point that you should only support me if you're able to. Just means I have to be a bit more reliant on commissions again. That said, I really gotta get back into the swing of taking commissions again. I still need to clear out some of the stragglers. The new pricing should be a little more sustainable and allow me to get stuff done in a way that doesn't rely on as much back and forth with the client which should increase throughput a little. 

You can find my new commission info here.

Art Stuff
I've been trying out longer animation stuff including extra shots and camera work. Its all these little things that really spice up the animation and its something I want to focus on more in the future. And with this transition into longer animations I want to to set up the "patron names in the credits" thing you always see people doing. I just need to figure out how to actually set that up.

Life Stuff
Sleep schedule is back on track, now I just need to keep it that way! Been thinking about streaming some gaming content on Twitch too, probably gonna be some roguelikes. I am now over 600 chapters into One Piece since we last left off and I'm excited to keep reading more I just need tiiiiiiiiimmmmmeeeee.


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